Flowering Plant Stuck in Week 3 Phase


New Member
Hello All,
I am new to the site and first time grower. So please be easy on me lol. Everything has been going well with the plant since day one which was mid December 2015. Healthy, and hitting all the milestones. BTW this is an indoor grow and I'm using a 125w CFL bulb with reflector. I started the 12 on, 12 off method beginning of February. The plant began to flower as expected, and got a little bigger. She looks great. But after searching the web and looking at posted pictures of plants in various flowering stages, I would say that she is currently comparable to a plant that is 3-3.5 weeks into flowering. And has been that way for about a week. Plenty of buds with a lot of long a dense white pistols. Maybe I'm just too eager to harvest her and being impatient and this is normal or maybe I'm missing something. Any help is greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance.


Well-Known Member
What was strain/breeder info for flowering time?

Every seed is different and flower time, yield, taste etc etc can all vary from seed to seed. "Phenotypes" - look it up.

Mr black thumb

Well-Known Member
I would not count the first 8 to 12 days after switched to flower it takes time for the transition, and yes you can compare pics with yours but there are so many variables that will effect your growth, not knowing your setup compared to theirs,cool night time temps, to hot,to much water, all slow a plant down. And when breeders or seed banks say it's 8 weeks flower it's because these guys have their skills down to a t usually 9 or 10 weeks for a average grower
Patience.. Do not rush it let her do her thing


New Member
Hey everyone, thanks for your time and consideration. No clue what strain or breed it is. Found a seed in my buddies baggy and said what the heck, let's see what happens. Next thing I know I got a full blown plant on my hands. And I love it. I sort of read and learned along the way. But nothing calculated or pre planned, just going with the flow. I'll post pics now



Well-Known Member
Hey everyone, thanks for your time and consideration. No clue what strain or breed it is. Found a seed in my buddies baggy and said what the heck, let's see what happens. Next thing I know I got a full blown plant on my hands. And I love it. I sort of read and learned along the way. But nothing calculated or pre planned, just going with the flow. I'll post pics now
There you go then. Comparing pics is useless like already said, even if they're the same strain. She looks alright so just be patient. Happy growing.


Well-Known Member
Hey everyone, thanks for your time and consideration. No clue what strain or breed it is. Found a seed in my buddies baggy and said what the heck, let's see what happens. Next thing I know I got a full blown plant on my hands. And I love it. I sort of read and learned along the way. But nothing calculated or pre planned, just going with the flow. I'll post pics now
This looks pretty good for three weeks. I was expecting less in the pics because of the cfls. Weeks 5-8 youll see some nice bud formation. Good work, no worries there.