Flowering... Please help with next steps...


Active Member
Just curious of how long people think I've got left? It's been 4.5 weeks of 12/12.
I plan to flush for 2 weeks but not sure when I should start that.
I know the guides say total flower averages 8 weeks, so I was going to start flushing in 1.5 weeks, but since this is my first grow and I've screwed things up every step of the way, I'm hoping for a little guidance.
Do you guys think the plant is on track? Does it look like where it should be at 4.5 weeks? Thanks folks-



Well-Known Member
For your first grow you look to have done well my man , stick to your plan, its stood you ok so , make notes and plans of things you would have done different next time , but they look healthy , they look about 3-4 weeks away .....Peace..


Ursus marijanus
One thing I have learned is that growers count the weeks from when obvious flowering begins ... not the start of 12/12. Depending on the plant, strain, conditions etc. this can add from a few days up to two weeks to the actual calculation of harvest-readiness. cn


Active Member
She looks good , im on my first as well will be week 6 tomorrow but imo i wouldnt flush for another few weeks. Let her fattin up a lil bit more and get more trichs. You've waited this long might as well get the most outta her. Good Luck!

Happy Growing!


Active Member
Your plant looks healthy and you should let her tell you when she is ready. Your Trichs and Pistils are the best way to determine when your flowers are ripe. If you are going to flush, which is unnecessary IMO but a completely different discussion, then once your trichs are mostly milky you can start your flush. If you are going by pistils then once about half have turned red you can start your flush. The reason you want to let your plant tell the story is because every grow is different and you could be looking at 8-14 weeks. It just depends on your strain and conditions. Good luck.


Well-Known Member
Do not starve your plant the last two weeks. What ever you been feeding just keep it up for a few more weeks... good job.