Flowering Question


Well-Known Member
So i'm about a month and a half in and some of the hairs are starting to turn amber color, about 10% but the buds are still extremely small and no visible sign of trichs. they get watered every 3rd water with full bloom nutes and and are under a 600w hps. let me know if this is normal?


New Member
colour sounds bout right small buds could be any thing nutrients lack of,,,,light not enought heat stress


Well-Known Member
well i had broken a branch last night trying to train it and decided to just cut it off completely and take the few buds on it and smoke em. I microwaved in bursts for a couple seconds then i put it in the oven for like 4 min at 150f and then smoked it. I after a bowl and half i had a pretty good head high. now mind you this is with just 10% red hairs and no visible trichs. at what point if i don't see any trichs (what % red hairs) should i just say fuck it and chop it down?