???flowering question???


Active Member
i have 3 powerplants under cfls. 8th week of flowering now, under flouros and cfls. buds are getting big and look good, but hardly any amber trichomes yet. mostly milky. almost all the fan leaves are dead or dying. i know i started flushing to early but i thought theyd be ready at 8th week. is this ok? do they need the fanleaves to live? am i worrying to much? any advice will help.


Well-Known Member
Preferably you'd have lush, healthy leaves still (I never do).
This late in your grow, it's futile to try and save any leaves. This doesn't mean remove any but the dead ones today. Your harvest will be fine, so don't worry. Maybe next grow, you (and me) can figure out this dying off crap.
Good smokin'!