Flowering question


Active Member
When you consider flowering time....do you start when you change light cycle 12/12 or when you sex them and the flowering begins?


Well-Known Member
ppl usually flower after they reach a certain height......plants can be put into flower anytime but wont sex until sexually mature.... I usually put into flower when plant is around 10-12 inchs.. since they usually double in size in flower.


Well-Known Member
flower when they get to desired height. take into account that your plant will double or triple in size during the flowering. so if you only have 5ft of space i would flower at 1-1.5 feet.

they will show their sex once you put them onto a 12/12 light cycle. can take anywhere from a few days to a few weeks for them to show their sex.


Active Member
What i mean to ask is do you start counting flowering weeks when you change the light cycle or when they actually begin to flower?

Ex: I started flowering 7 weeks ago. I saw signs of flowering 5 1/2 weeks ago. Am I 7 weeks in flowering or 5 1/2?


Well-Known Member
What i mean to ask is do you start counting flowering weeks when you change the light cycle or when they actually begin to flower?

Ex: I started flowering 7 weeks ago. I saw signs of flowering 5 1/2 weeks ago. Am I 7 weeks in flowering or 5 1/2?

you count flowering from the time you switched over to 12/12 lighting so if you were 12/12 for 7 weeks then you'd be 7 weeks into flowering. so not when the actual buds start appearing but when you switch the light cycle thats when flower period starts/is counted from. i hope that made sense? lol.


Well-Known Member
I start my countdown with the appearance of the first pistil(s). Others start on 12/12 day. It's really simply a matter of choice.