flowering seedlings

x Ganja x King x 420

Active Member
i read that you can force a seedling straight into flowering i was wandering if anyone on here has experience doing this and if so could you tell me how much did you yield?


Well-Known Member
You can but it will still take a month for them to flower. Ya might as well grow it and then flower.


Well-Known Member
Yup if you want to flower from beginning to end then grow one female and clone off it, then put clones into 12/12 after they have established roots.

Twisted Nibbz

Well-Known Member
i thought they could only flower at a certain age no matter how soon you put them in 12/12 so they just grow untill they are big enough then automatically go into flower mode?


Well-Known Member
i started flowering my seedlings 28 days ago and they have ceased growth, yet not begun flowering, and no signs of sex. /:


Well-Known Member
by "started flowering" i just meant switched their light schedule to 12/12, no actual pistils or balls yet

Twisted Nibbz

Well-Known Member
remember the plants will carry on vegin untill they are old enough to flower if they aint old enough yet they wont show anything... they will slow down growth because there aint as much light they shouldnt stop though...
my seedling is only one week old and has grown two pistils and seems to be budding, anyone have any idea how much it will yeild if it even is flowering


New Member
yea it definitely can be done, oddly i always veg in 18/6 to 12/12 for flowering, but just recently i had this one seedling that literally is 4 days old and sprouted pistils immediately. im very confused, the others are vegging fine, its just this one plant. its not even a inch tall and already smells great and has some pretty little pistils on it. no clue why its flowering already, hoping it will just go back to veg, id hate for it to be my only female also, because i doubt flowering so soon is a good idea.

any help would be appreciated in to understanding why it would just start flowering when the other havent. maybe its just a magical seed lol.


Active Member
You can flower from seedlings but the harvest will be greatly reduced. Why wait all the time to flower and only get enough for a Sat. night or two of smoking. The longer the veg period the greater the harvest.