flowering stage cutting


Well-Known Member
Maybe light bloom feeding say every third watering or so
Water only when it needs it. Test by lifting the pots, you can tell when they still have water.
Now that its flowering, Don't cut nothing off the thing IMO.


I would also not take cuts in flowering as u want the plant to use all energy on making nugs i would think still learning tho


Well-Known Member
Your nutes that you have should tell you when and how often to feed. Your plants and medium will be different than the next person, so if your not sure follow your nutes recommended feeding schedule and adjust from there. As for the cutting off some of the bottom I'd recommend it. It is called lollipop method and it is used a lot. The bottom branches create little fluffy buds that are not very desirable, so if you remove the lower part of the plant it allows for more energy to go to growing the top buds. If you check out some journals you will notice a lot of bare plants at the bottom, this isn't naturally.