Flowering time question

Approximately how long should it take from the start of flower to being done cured? and also, is it possible to induce flowering before a plant is naturally ready? like change the light cycle to 12/12 and put on red spectrum bulbs?


Well-Known Member
Approximately how long should it take from the start of flower to being done cured? and also, is it possible to induce flowering before a plant is naturally ready? like change the light cycle to 12/12 and put on red spectrum bulbs?

dont know if your talkin about soil or hydro, but ill assume soil. 2.-3.5 months for indoor. you can flower from the start of the plants life. RED spectrum (HPS works great) are what you want for flowering

Illegal Smile

You can put a plant into flower whenever you want. Typically indoor flowering is 9 weeks, but you say till done curing. Figure one week for drying and another 30 days for a good cure.