Flowering toooo long


Well-Known Member
Alright,,, I have 2 plants (you know the ones im not growing) that have been flowering for over 13 weeks and 1 that has been flowering for 2 days over 14 weeks,,, has anybody experienced longer flowering???? These are bagweed chronic........... And they are still not finished,,,, maybe 2 or 3 weeks longer,, DAMMMMMMMM,, THIS SUCKS..... thats all I have to say,,, thank you..:peace:..


Well-Known Member
16 weeks is the longest Ive heard, unless you messed up the photoperiod or something and it got reverted to veg somehow along the way...that could delay it.


Well-Known Member
I think your right,, that must have happened,, Its all coming back to me now....:peace:..................................................................................


Well-Known Member
Yeah,, I have pix I will put up when the lights come on a little later as its very early right now................:peace:................................................................


Well-Known Member
O.K. here they are ---------------sh1t,, only 1 pic was able to be downloaded,,, Ill try to shrink the pix down if I can figure out how,, then I will post pics lata gata.............................:peace:............................................



Well-Known Member
get a plant scope and check the trichs, if they look good then cut them if not just wait, if they are all the way amber, get some cheetos a cheech and chong movie and call it a night.


Well-Known Member
I have the scope,,, trichs are all different depending on what part of each plant I take them from,,, I fully understand how and what the trichs are supposed to be,, I was just confused on the amount of time they have been flowering as these are the last of over 60 plants I flowered, and nothing came near this amount of time,, Ive had a lot of great successful plants,, just nothing this loooooong,,,,,, I keep thinkin,, one more week,, one more week,, one more week,, etc, etc, etc.... Its safe to say Im goin a bit NUTZ..:peace:..