Flowering: Vanilla Kush, White Widow, and Super Lemon Haze


Active Member
Hey everyone, I kinda left my last grow log unfinished. The reason being is that I had to harvest my Jack Here to pay for a 600 Watt HPS, but don't worry, I took a clone from JH while it was in veg and that mother is almost ready for taking clones :) Since I harvested early i only ended up yielding a little over 40 grams, but it was AMAZING!!!! I can't wait to see how the next few JH turn out since they'll will be flowered longer :D
The Super Lemon Haze that was in flowering before ended up suffering from Potassium and Phosphorus deficiency and I didn't identify it correctly in time. But i have learned from my mistakes and it will not happen again. And though the smoke from SLH doesn't look that good, it still ended up being very satisfying :joint: I took a picture of it in three jars that i will post on here. Dried out SLH yielded 65 grams, This to was harvested to early and could have yielded more, but considering the circumstances I am very impressed :)

But enough about the past, this log is here to show the flowering of the ever so wonderful Vanilla Kush, White Widow, and the last SLH i will grow due to space issues. Jack Herer Might be posted later on in the log as soon as a clone is ready :weed:
VK is currently on Week 6 and is almost ready and looking amazing! I took a bud off today because i just couldn't resist and had to take pictures of it for you guys!
The last SLH that is in flowering I am trying to keep short and bushy to avoid space issues. It is doing a lot better then the last :clap:
Also in the flowering room there is a total of 7 White Widow, Two of which have been in flowering since the 19th of march, and the other 5 just went in today!

Pictures of everything will be posted below :) bongsmilie

Besides the new HPS that just came in the mail today and more nutes i picked up, I also picked up some Foxfarm soil and am looking forward to see the results of the change!


green 001.jpg

Plants In Veg (WW mother and JH mother)
(Pictures in order)
(The VK mother was just moved into the veg room but there
are no pics of her)
green 008.jpggreen 011.jpggreen 012.jpggreen 009.jpggreen 010.jpg

In order: (VK, SLH, and WW)
green 020.jpggreen 021.jpggreen 022.jpg

green 023.jpggreen 024.jpg
green 025.jpggreen 026.jpggreen 027.jpggreen 028.jpggreen 029.jpg

Vanilla Kush Bud :bigjoint:

green 002.jpggreen 003.jpggreen 004.jpggreen 005.jpggreen 006.jpggreen 007.jpg

As always, Comments, Questions, any type of feedback is appreciated =]



Active Member
I took 10 clones from the White Widow mother and 2 clones from the Jack Herer mother yesterday. Will post pictures soon =]


Active Member
Hell Yeah! Update time! Just found my camera today and took some pictures so to reward myself I am currently smoking some sweet herb that tastes like Key lime Pie :bigjoint:and makes my body feel AMAZING:grin:

But anyways, I harvested the Vanilla Kush yesterday and the little plant weighed out to 105 grams wet. The VK when it was younger suffered a lot from nutrient burn and shock from being transplanted so it might have effected it from flowering... but if it did it didn't seem to show much because the buds on her where beautiful:weed:

The two White Widow that have been in flowering the longest are looking just
smoke-gasmic, :shock: The buds are getting huge and the pictures i have don't due it justice, i wish you all could see the crystals like i can, it's just so goddamn frosty and the smell is like citrus earth:weed: Can't wait to see how she is going to look in the future

The other 5 WW are doing really good, getting a lot taller, and there are bunches of bud sites just like there older sisters had =] I took 12 clones a while ago, 10 from the WW and 2 from Jack Herer, and there all alive and well, just waiting for the root growth to improve a tiny bit more. The Vanilla Kush mother is also doing 1000% better compared to how the one i just harvested was when it was younger so that makes me smile =]

The Super Lemon Haze is doing better then the last, small buds right now but that's to be expected with a flowering time of 11 weeks xD
This is the last time i will be growing this plant, not because of the flowering time, just because it's to picky of a plant for me to grow right now. I happened to get my hands on a feminized G13 Haze seed though! It is currently being germinated and if it looks good i will give it a go :mrgreen:

Now To The Picturesbongsmilie

:leaf:Vanilla Kush:leaf:


:leaf:White Widow:leaf:


:leaf:Super Lemon Haze:leaf:


All comments and questions are greatly appreciated :joint:C:


Active Member
Update: Bump,
Also getting a new camera, so new updates with pictures coming soon! Would also appreciate some feedback from fellow growers


Active Member
Well i got my camera situation figured out and i think it's way past due for an update! The 2 White Widow that just entered there sixth week are looking great :bigjoint:The other 5 WW are doing very well also! there looking very healthy and are in there third week of flowering.

Super Lemon Haze is proving once again to be a very picky plant, I'm keeping her short this time and it seems to be working better. What makes this plant different is how it consumes so much potassium compared to the other plants! If I gave my other girls the same nutes as the SLH they would burn and die in days haha. Hopefully this last run with SLH will prove to be a bit more successful then the last.

Vanilla Kush was excellent smoke! Just the feeling of smoking herb you grew yourself and having it be amazing is probably the most amazing feeling a grower can have. The smoke has a very very creamy feeling and is sweet yet earthy. It made my whole body light as if a cloud and it made me want to laugh at everything haha.

The White Widow, Vanilla Kush, and Jack Herer mothers are doing great. I could take a number of clones of the JH at any time, which i will probably accomplish this weekend. And i think i am going to let the VK get a bit taller before i clone her. All of the White widow clones i took a while back are in veg now. All of them made it and are looking very healthy. I also had taken 2 Jack Herer clones at the same time as the White Widow but they are not doing so well, and that is probably because i got impatient and took them when the plant was still to young. I'll do my best with them and if anything they will just wind up as personal smoke :bigjoint:

The G-13 haze seedling is doing good, the beaner got caught on the tips of the leaves and i didn't notice it at first so there was stretching. But now that i took the beaner off the leaves opened up and it's starting to grow new small leaves/branches instead of growing/stretching any taller which is good =]

The foxfarm soil i picked up is making a huge difference and my new 600watt HPS that I put in seems to be making an enormous impact on my plants. I only wish i would have had it during the first 3/4 of the Vanilla Kush's flowering cycle. If i did i might have gotten a bit more out of it. But i guess there is always next time for VK :-P

I guess I'll show you guys some pictures!

bongsmilieFlowering Roombongsmilie

:leaf:White Widow (6 weeks):leaf:


:leaf:White Widow (3 weeks):leaf:

:leaf:Super Lemon Haze (6 weeks):leaf:

:leaf:Mothers (WW-tallest, JH-2nd tallest, :leaf:



:weed:bongsmilieG13 Hazebongsmilie:weed:

Comments and questions are welcome and wanted!:eyesmoke:



Well-Known Member
wow im surprised nobodys said anything yet!

Looking good bro, shit looks tasty!

You gettin some stretch though and im not sure why, you got plenty of container, and light, maybe temp or sumthin. Your WW and Haze both look super sativa, gotta let them go for a while, 9-12 weeks. The last few weeks are so important, buds will easily double their size/weight Plus the trichs themselves will swelllll up!

I know how its though, i had to chop my first real harvest about a week early and the smoke realllllllly suffered. still got 3 1/2 zips from 1 plant though haha

Keep it growin! peace


Well-Known Member
your white widow mother looks amazing, what a nice tree! So why are stoping the SLH over the other strains? I find SLH to always be a stand out in my grows


Active Member
wow im surprised nobodys said anything yet!

Looking good bro, shit looks tasty!

You gettin some stretch though and im not sure why, you got plenty of container, and light, maybe temp or sumthin. Your WW and Haze both look super sativa, gotta let them go for a while, 9-12 weeks. The last few weeks are so important, buds will easily double their size/weight Plus the trichs themselves will swelllll up!

I know how its though, i had to chop my first real harvest about a week early and the smoke realllllllly suffered. still got 3 1/2 zips from 1 plant though haha

Keep it growin! peace
Finally some feedback haha, I was starting to wonder what i was doing wrong! Do you really think theres stretch going on? I guess i haven't really noticed since this is the first flowering run with the White Widow, but i will take what you said into consideration, and there is no way im cutting these plants down early like i had to before. I'm letting them go all the way this time :blsmoke: I'm still impressed with your grow and i am glad i subscribed, thanks for the feedback bro, will be looking forward to your future input

Peace and may your girls grow up to be gorgeous women =]

your white widow mother looks amazing, what a nice tree! So why are stoping the SLH over the other strains? I find SLH to always be a stand out in my grows
Thanks for the feed back man! I'm stopping the SLH because it's just to picky of a strain for me right now, it's not that i don't want to grow it, it just takes up to much space and to much time for my current setup, but in the future I'm sure i'll give it a go!

Wow man nice work! All your plants look nice and frosty. Should be delish!! +rep
Appreciate the positive feedback, it's what i've been waiting for haha. Hopefully everything will turn out just the way i want it to, These next couple weeks are gonna seem like forever lol. I'm just so impatient to try this White Widow for the first time =]


Active Member
Stupid Stupid Stupid.... I did the unthinkable, and because of it 3 plants died....
I had just finished flushing my plants when something very important came up and had to leave right away. But before i left i forgot to give my plants fresh nutes... and when i came back a mere 8 hours later, 3 of the 5 white widow that were into 3 weeks of flowering were beyond saving.... Everyone makes mistakes, and i guess i have made mine. The other plants are now fine, i nursed them back to health and now they are back to looking INCREDIBLY DANK!!!

Though this happened i have learned from my mistakes and that will never happen again. I will post new pictures on here very soon. I would do it now but my camera with the pictures is not with me...

The plants i saved are doing great =]
The Super Lemon Haze is looking so good that i'm regretting not growing any more of it :bigjoint: But at least i got a G-13 Haze seedling in the soil and it's doing great, cant wait to take clones off of it bongsmilie

I also stopped at the local hydroponics store last night, staff there is amazingly helpful the area of growing anything at all haha. But i picked up some more foxfarm soil and tigerbloom for my flowering plants.

All the plants in vegetative are looking healthy and i cant wait to put all my clones into flowering! They will be ready any day now :D

I promise to post pictures soon, and im terribly sorry i didn't update sooner... I guess i was just embarrassed about having my plants die from such a novice mistake... I'm over that now though and I'm looking forward to the future =]


Well-Known Member
Nooooooooooooooo!!!! haha i think we've all made that mistake at some point....Glad to hear most were salvaged! maybeee timmee to gooo hydroooo? haha



Well-Known Member
hey clexkush im a little lost,

arnt your white widows in soil?

how did you manage to flush out every last drop of nutriant from the soil? wouldent there have been something left in the dirt to keep it alive?


Well-Known Member
hey clexkush im a little lost,

arnt your white widows in soil?
how did you manage to flush out every last drop of nutriant from the soil? wouldent there have been something left in the dirt to keep it alive?
thats a good point plus you should only use water to flush the nutes the last 2 weeks of flower anyways so 8 hours is impossible for them to die i would think what really happened lol did you mic them lol :)


Active Member
hey clexkush im a little lost,

arnt your white widows in soil?

how did you manage to flush out every last drop of nutriant from the soil? wouldent there have been something left in the dirt to keep it alive?
thats a good point plus you should only use water to flush the nutes the last 2 weeks of flower anyways so 8 hours is impossible for them to die i would think what really happened lol did you mic them lol :)
I'll tell you exactly what happend, I had flushed 7 of my plants, "all the white widow" two of the 7 had two weeks of flowering left and theother five had about 4 weeks. Now i thought exactly what lonestand^ said, that there should have been enough nutrients left, but i guess not! Idk why my plants had acted so drastically after the flush. the plants i didn't flush were fine but the plants that i did flush had almost died in a matter of hours! But after i gave them nutrients they all looked 300% better. Now i did have to harvest a bunch early because even after i gave them the nutrients and they got there color back they just stopped growing. Sure they were alive but with the smaller white widow there was almost no bud production weeks later :(

But that is the past, and i guess that im going to give my plants nutes right after i flush them from now on.

Ive been away for so long because ive been getting things ready and changing some things up! I have a 400 and 600 watt HPS in the flowering room now along with 9 white widow and 3 jack herer :D:D

Now i have to tell everyone something just because i like to brag :D So last night i came into possession of three 400 watt HPS lights, two 1000 watt MH lights, and two T5 florecent lights, all for free! I'm setting up the T5's today in veg simply becasue i don't have room for the MH lights haha. I'm still not sure what im going to do with all these lights. There brand new and came with brand new ballasts and reflectors.
Maybe i'll sell them and use the money to go hydro?

All the mothers that were in veg have been moved! The White Widow and Vanilla Kush mothers have been moved outside! There doing great and im going to take clones off them all summer long until they start to flower. Then im going to let them flower outside and hopefully get a HUGE harvest off of them. The jack herer mother is one of the jacks that are in my flowering room at the moment. I decided to flower that right away and if i'm lucky i might get 3-4 zones off of it :)

The G-13 haze in veg is getting tall as shit! Wont be much longer till i can take a clone from that!
I'm also germinating some seeds that a friend picked up from a dispensery! They gave me about 4 Evil Diesil seeds and a Lemon Skunk seed and also a few mystery seeds that got mixed together, the strains could be ether Mental Floss, Orange Kush, Romulen, or even another White Widow, so we'll see how they do. The super lemon haze has been cut down and holy shit that smoke is bomb, i kinda wish i still was growing more of it.. but i have G13-haze coming so I don't mind i guess xD I also have a few purple dank (real strain unkown) seedlings popping up, there not garanteed female seeds but thats fine, because if they're male i'll do some experements with crossing, "probably with a White Widow", and see what i get, i know it'll take many generations till i get even a semi-stable strain but i got time so im not to worried about it :)

Sorry everyone that i have been gone so long. Ive just been trying to get all my shit strait and hopefully within a couple months i will be out of this tiny house and in to something bigger that i can do a lot more with :)

Pictures will come soon and i appreciate everyones feedback!

And Dmwk^ My vanilla kush that i flowered only yeilded about 3/4 of an ounce, but back then it was under a 400watt HPS and was competing for light with other plants, I'm sure if you grew it under stronger/more light it would yeild about an ounce and a half. But I have found out that VK is a really picky strain, It doesn't like to be cloned and you have to watch your plant because it seems to be WAY more sensitive then any of my other strains.


Well-Known Member
Stupid Stupid Stupid.... I did the unthinkable, and because of it 3 plants died....
I had just finished flushing my plants when something very important came up and had to leave right away. But before i left i forgot to give my plants fresh nutes... and when i came back a mere 8 hours later, 3 of the 5 white widow that were into 3 weeks of flowering were beyond saving.... Everyone makes mistakes, and i guess i have made mine. The other plants are now fine, i nursed them back to health and now they are back to looking INCREDIBLY DANK!!!

Though this happened i have learned from my mistakes and that will never happen again. I will post new pictures on here very soon. I would do it now but my camera with the pictures is not with me...

The plants i saved are doing great =]
The Super Lemon Haze is looking so good that i'm regretting not growing any more of it :bigjoint: But at least i got a G-13 Haze seedling in the soil and it's doing great, cant wait to take clones off of it bongsmilie

I also stopped at the local hydroponics store last night, staff there is amazingly helpful the area of growing anything at all haha. But i picked up some more foxfarm soil and tigerbloom for my flowering plants.

All the plants in vegetative are looking healthy and i cant wait to put all my clones into flowering! They will be ready any day now :D

I promise to post pictures soon, and im terribly sorry i didn't update sooner... I guess i was just embarrassed about having my plants die from such a novice mistake... I'm over that now though and I'm looking forward to the future =]
hey awsome grow dude! sorry to here about your losses man i recently lost 3 myself, youngns but losses none the less. right on with the foxfarm and tiger bloom i use em myself and seeng great results!

woa jus relized i replied to an old ass post.. damn this shits good ha!! so whats new man did you go hydro?

313 Kronix

Active Member
Nice grow bro. I got some White Widow and Vanilla Kush in veg now so it's nice to see some flowering shots of them :)


Active Member
Nice grow bro. I got some White Widow and Vanilla Kush in veg now so it's nice to see some flowering shots of them :)
Thanks man, let me know if you have questions about ether of them.

hey man nice grow. what happened though, u stopped with the updates? how did that dried bud taste?
The finished product was dank as could be! Jack was my favorite, after being cured it just blew me away. I had to stop the updates because i didn't have time with life going to shit for a little bit. I moved to a different state but will only be here till next summer. All of the grow equipment is back home in good hands. So for now I just grow enough to keep me happy :)