

Active Member
whats up all , My plants are 4 weeks in and 13" tall , gonna wait till they hit 15" or so before flowering . I am running 1 400 watt lamp and want it to run 24 hours so the clones can continue to grow, and to have 2 flowering and 2 vegging at all times.. For the flowering plants after 12 hours i'll place them in a dark vented room seperate from the grow room . I think this should work out fine seeing that there will be no light effecting them. The reason for not going and buying another lamp is that im starrped for cash these days , and also dont have enough space. Basically my question is will taking the flowering plants aside ina seperate room for 12 hours and reutring them for another 12 affect the plants in any way ??? and will having flowering and vegging plants under the same lamp/space be an issue??? I Vegged these current plants under my 400 and they turned out beautiful.

:joint: Sorry bout the long message :joint:
(Any adive or input would be appreciated)


Active Member
I cannot see any problems developing from your plan of moving the plants into and out of the light you are using for your clones. Just make sure that your 12/12 schedule is hels to strictly and you should be fine.

That said I am a new grower too so I would hope someone with more first hand experience would shed some light on this for you (no pun intended).


Active Member
Thanks dude , the thing is i aint got no fucking room for another light or money for the electrical bill lol , my bills already sky fucking high . so im gonna use my 400 watt for flowering and vegging for the clones , and just pull the flowering plants after 12 and move em back in after 12 . i dont see why it wouldnt work , but ill let yall know how it goes

thanks again


Well-Known Member
I think The biggest issue you will have is making sure for the 8 weeks or so, you stay on schedule. Don't get stoned and forget. One or 2 days can really slow your growth.
Just my own humble opinion
you should be good, just dont forget or it will affect them i dont see why it would matter having budding and veggin plants together, if anything that would make the little ones look up to your monster with buds and be like damn i wanna be like that girll :) good luck
If there is any way you can move them by rollers or on a table, that would be better in my opinion. You don't want to add any stress if you don't have to. I'm not saying this is going to be a problem, but it could be if care isn't taken when moving them every day.

The last thing you want is a hermie.

Oh yeah, Dox is right, make sure you stick to 12/12 religiously. I've seen the effects of a light going out in the flowering room for two days.


Gardener 09

Active Member
A plant was givin to me a 2 ft, i moved it indoors and staerted giving it nuts and used cfls, i gave it a better life but it still was a totaly new invironment and now its grown a half a foot in about 2 weeks, i think i may have a hermie, could this but possably due to that?