Flowers maturing early?


Well-Known Member
I had this happen once years ago, then a few months back and now it's happening again. At around 4 weeks when the buds are popcorn size I'll notice a few red hairs. A few days later it's obvious they're maturing and not gaining any more size. Between week 5 and 6 they're ready for harvest.

So, I think I have my conditions dialed in. RDWC, ppm adjusted to around 1000, PH adjusted daily to 5.8, 12 on 12 off, Room conditioned to 75-78 degrees. CO2 high/low 600/700. I have not a clue what might cause plants to mature early, please help if it's something you're familiar with.
I am going to ask a dumb question.
Is this happening with a strain you are familiar with?
It's a strain I've worked with before (Skywalker), but a different seed. It's also happened with Blueberry cookies.

I don't know how pics will help at this stage. I can take some pics tomorrow evening though. They're in week 5. By eye I can't tell the buds are any bigger than a week ago and red hairs are popping up. There aren't many yet but if I'm right it will be obvious in a few days.

But I know it happens because it's happened before. With the Blueberry I let them go to around week 6-7, no bud growth for several weeks and I had fully mature buds that were the size of popcorn. Was an 8 ounce harvest when I was expecting about 3lbs.

I've done internet searches and see some people also experience this but no answers on the reason. I've had some issues with the AC unit mysteriously switching to eco mode and that drives the temp up to 80 and humidity to around 70% but I've done tent grows that hit 90 and finished fine so I'm having trouble accepting it's a temp issue.
So someone who has a few cuttings from the same mom is reporting the same thing has happened. I'm guessing it's just bad genetics. I asked a guy at the grow shop if he was familiar. He said not personally but heard there was a virus going around in California that halted growth. My beans are from Canada, and not even sure a virus can live dormant in a bean so, still guessing genetics.
Just genetics man, have you seen some of the landrace sativa pics of these no calyx all leaf tall suckers? ...wild stuff ive never smoked but people love it.
Well, these are hardly worth harvesting for flower. And Skywalker usually has very good yield. I'm leaning towards bad genetics but I'm wondering, I got several of these beans and I don't know whether it's worth trying with another one? I'm switching to a different strain for the moment but I hate to throw these out. I guess I'll just have to pop one and do a flower test to see if it happens again.
Dump em and forget about it...if i told you i spent 2 years trying to breed something only to find out it sucked and had to abandon it would it help :)
HPLVD can cause these symptoms.Im going through something similar right now too.Is this a sealed grow room?Mine is sealed tight and I think it may be a build up of gases since I dont ventilate.I had a similar issue with a sealed veg room.The leaves were burning and showing deficiency till I realized they were using up all the co2.Now the problem is gone.Its hard to believe someone saved a plant like that and made clones,so I think its either a virus or lack of ventilation.Seeing that someone else is having the same problem,it may be a virus.Taking clones from anyone is sheer stupidity these days.HPLVD is rampant.
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Sealed room with controlled CO2. Other strains doing fine. I can't rule out HPLVD and just read it can be transferred through seed. Hope it's just genetics.

Mudballs, thanks. I think I will just toss the beans.

Boatguy, no growth in almost 3 weeks now and since the pics the buds have fully matured.
Well, these are hardly worth harvesting for flower. And Skywalker usually has very good yield. I'm leaning towards bad genetics but I'm wondering, I got several of these beans and I don't know whether it's worth trying with another one? I'm switching to a different strain for the moment but I hate to throw these out. I guess I'll just have to pop one and do a flower test to see if it happens again.
Send here I'll grow um