fluoros to HPS

So ive been vegging my plants with fluorescent lights and theyre about 3 weeks now. First ququestion is will the growth pattern dramatically speed up when i start to flower w/ my 400w hps light? And 2nd how do i get my plant to stop looking so sad (pic in the top right) or is that plant dying?



Well-Known Member
They look to me like they want more light for sure.

I'd veg with the HPS for a couple weeks and then flip it. And yeah, the HPS should kick up the growth rate over whatever they are getting now. I wouldn't flower stressed plants, and they look stressed to me.
how old an what are you feeding an how often? how much light an how far away is it?
My lights are ljke 1.5 feet away from my plants but its only like 300w of fluoros. Im getting my hps light tomorro so i just was curious about the rate of growth using that over fluoros