Flushing every 4 weeks?


Well-Known Member
Im wondering if this is a good idea or not? ive never flushed my plants and ive got 2 right now that i might concidering doing it to except for 1 that gets browning leaves from i guess overwater? or at least thats what everyone on RIU says haha


Well-Known Member
I've never liked flushing..and dont do it..at all
Or hempy, passive hydro
I've even grown many without watering till some run off. No water ever left the pot to carry away anything
That's all miracle grow and landrace sativas ta boot
Always dank and tasty


Well-Known Member
I never flush. I use all organics, brew my own teas, top dress, ect. My bud burns great, leaves really clean white ash in the bowl, and taste amazing.

I've had bud from people that sparkled/popped before and was told it was from people using synthetic/bottled nutrients to feed and didn't properly flush.


Well-Known Member
Nah I use the "worst" nutes you can buy...no crackling here and black ash is a bad cure...flushing is debated a lot around here but its proven that it doesn't lower nutes in your bud. Just forms an abscission layer..white ash are nutes and nutes are actually good and improve the burn qualities, yes my ash burns to white..potassium for example expands when hot and helps it burn efficiently and slower I mean the tobacco industry laid it all out for us already, we just have to modify how we cure as we are dealing with volatile compounds
No other crop is flushed including tobacco so that you get the best burn, yield and quality..the cure is very important
But my fresh herb barely dry enough to smoke with no cure doesn't crackle much except for the moisture and resin..no sparkler effect


Active Member
I have used flushing agents in the final week and used just water for the last two weeks. It seems for me just using water for the last two weeks is just fine. I grow in soil and use synthetic nutrients. I water fert water fert. I get plenty of run off. I keep the soil line in my 3 gallon pots 2-3" below the pot rim. Wether I water or fert I fill to the rim, wait 10 minutes then fill again. During the last two weeks I water 4 times each watering. IMHO flushing agents should be done in hydro and plain water in soil. I never have a crackling or bad taste. Several dispensaries in the Portland , Oregon area are carrying my cannabis with no issues.


Well-Known Member
Spoiler: I just smoked a 5 hit bowl of White Rhino I've been sitting on since Spring and it kind of floored me. Got about 20g left of that one. Whew.

Anyway I grow in soil and never have nor will do a flush, but if it's something you want to try have at it and form your own conclusions.

There is no answer to the flush or not flush question, I think a person has to come to their own conclusions as to whether or not it is worth it. And I come from 100% soil background so hydro or water setups I can't and won't speak to, regarding flushing.

Anyway I hope you have enjoyed this and keep in mind this White Rhino is possibly clouding my judgement, but we have determined FOR SURE we are getting a huge pizza tonight with anchovies on at least 1/3 of the pizza.

In case I did not answer your question I am sorry but I really don't remember the question if you had one. I'm getting a big cup of ice water.

Peace - AIM


Well-Known Member
I do not flush BUT once a week I serve my plants a tea of beneficial organic stuff such as Liquid Karma, Molasses, and other low PPM natural stuff.
I would check your run off.
If your runoff comes out what you are pouring in no need for a flush :)
What medium are you using?
what Nutrients?
Also I have never ever seen brown leaves from overwatering.
Signs of overwatering are the tips of the plants making a 90 degree turn and pointing to the floor.
If you are see signs of brown leaves starting from the tip of the leaf and working its way down to the stem it could be nute burn from feeding too hot.
Just giving you some advice from issues that have happened to me


Well-Known Member
Overwatering definitely causes brown leaves. Normally from p lockout. It will be bottom up and the leaves will go crispy usually in the center blades/leaflets