Flushing question help please


Active Member
Hii guys a quick question bout flushing, i have 3 week old plants in a soil medium of soil. The mix contained some standard grow bags a half bag of seedling compost, a cup of epsom salts and perlite. I have 3 white widows, a cheese and blue cheese. I fedd last week at 14 days old a very weak feed of ionic soil at 0.5 on my ec meter, ph of 6.1 under a 600w mh at 18/6
I noticed that the cheese had a couple of brown nut burn spots, nothing major but still had me worried. I am growing in 15 litre pots so decided to flush and check the run off, results as followed
I flushed each plant with a gallon of ro water ph to 6.0 as thats all the ro water i had here.
The runn off was flashing at 5.8 which is the highest reading on the stick and the ph was 5.8,

The medium is more or less dried out well at least 4 inches down the pot an now i have more ro water would it be benificial to flush again sat wed/thurs time? Dont wanna cause the plants any more stress


Well-Known Member
IDK how much soil you mixed that cup of Epsom in, but unless it was a BIG bag, you didn't need it.
What was your reasoning behind that?
Why are you using R.O water?
anything wrong with your tap?
What is the PH of your tap?
If you want to, flushing again won't hurt.

3 Pounds of Weeden

Active Member
You only need to flush if you over do it. IMO. Always feed a little less than recommended. Keep flushing until you see whatever deficiency make progress.


Active Member
I read that adding a cup of the salts was a wuse thing to do off a few posts, also i have a ro unit due to a marine tank and again due to my tap water bein 8.9 ph and a ec of 0.6 i had also read ro water was a better option if avalible. , ive held bk on a 2 nd feed but thanks thats all i wanted to know and i will flush again thursday to get everything out of the soil, ive ordered a soil ph / moisture pen to keep an eye on soil ph, cheers gents

Jack Harer

Well-Known Member
Flushing washes out solubles. Compost isn't soluble so the only thing you'll accomplish is getting rid of the Epsom salts. You really CAN'T flush organic nutes. Flushing gets rid of chemical salt build up, or helps in an accidental over dose of chemical salt nutes. Sounds to me like you are attacking a soil grow (organic) with a Hydroponic mind-set. Not a good thing for your sanity. IF you are gonna go with soil and organic nutes, forget EC, PPM, and pH. You'll be a whole lot more relaxed.