

Well-Known Member
ok so im thinking that my plants should be ready by the end of the month so I want to start flushing just have a question when they say flushing do they mean just water it with water or does this mean watter it alot with just water? am i supposed to stick with the 10 percent run off or now should i be watering heavier thanks guys this site is the best for new growers you guys have all been a hudge help throughout my first grow prob wouldnt of made it this far w/o u!!


Well-Known Member
if its a total flush ive heard that u use 3 x the pot size of water. i.e 1 gallon pot with 3 gallon of water. just put them into the bath and pour it thru.let it run off and put them back. i grow organic so i dont bother, and i've had no nute problems either but if i did thats how i'd do it


Well-Known Member
dura72 is correct. If you have a two gallon pot, use six gallons of water--three gallon pot, use nine gallons of water. Do it in a sink or tub where you can allow the water to completely run off down the drain, and then put the plant back in the grow area.

One thing I would be sure to do is that the water that you are going to use to flush the plant should not be directly out of the tap (esp. since you are in AK and the water might be very cold). Let the water sit out at room temperature until it warms up first.


Well-Known Member
I do what the above posters recommend but I also repeat the big flush about 30 minutes after the original flush. I dont use quite as much water the second time around but my thoughts are to flush anything that might have not gotten flushed and is still hanging on. Then its just regular water until about 4-5 days before I break out the scissors :hump: