

Active Member
I just ran r/o wtaer ph'ed at 5.8 thru my plants that are in a soiless mix and the ph is coming out @ 6.5-7.0.wtf????


Well-Known Member
Is this your first flush? May be salt build up? Might keep flushing them until the water comes out at the PH you put in them.


Active Member
no i just flushed them a week ago had the same problem. But my plants are locked out for sure. Since i flushed them last week i have been givin them a 50% base diet and 2.5ml of calmag plus to my r/o.
Is this your first flush? May be salt build up? Might keep flushing them until the water comes out at the PH you put in them.


Well-Known Member
I would flush until the water comes out the same ph as I was putting in. Also, get 1 part noots, much easier for beginners.
I like the Advanced nutrients. I started out just using that stuff. Then later you can get creative with the Calcium and shooting powder or whatever you like.


Active Member
i have flushed 5 gal so far the pots are 1.5 gal. Ph is still 6.5 and need it at 5.8...should i keep going???


Well-Known Member
I do not think that it will hurt them to flush more, as long a sit is all during the same period. How fresh is the dirt? Is it a high ph mix? This will be my last post here as you may need someone with more experience than me. And I don't want to steer you wrong. Good luck:)