fml, this is bad


Active Member
right now it is 1:14PM and i just smoked an 8th blunt to myself and i just got a call from the place i want to work at for an interview at three. my laundry isn't done and my dress shirt for interview isn't ready, haven't shaved in 3 weeks and out of razors or clean socks, and i can not even function properly. theres no way to be ready in less than 2 hours and get there with laundry

i am so fucked they are going to know i am high right away.


Well-Known Member
Throw the laundry in the dryer to de-wrinkle it and take a shower to try and get rid of your buzz, theres not much else you could except not go.


Active Member
you bet your rear end on this , wash that money good.... oh yeah scrub the face and bend the edges because you laundry that drug money in and out?

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Tell them that unfortunately you are out of the area but will be abck in the morning if there is any alternative time that might suit them. seems one of those situations where you've better chance by not going and hoping they re-schedule than going and turning up looking like a bedraggled waster. I only ever hear "FML" from a certain type of people ;)


Active Member
Well yeah, Mc'Donalds usually does call a couple hours before they want to interview you. It's not like big business where they give you time.
sure you can say that
Yeah i can say's called freedom of speech i would assume...specially so on a marijuana forum...i mean why else would he be posting? If you have a problem with me than please tell me so we can sort it out because i'm not looking for any internet nerd fights at the moment =P so fuck off if you dont have anything worthwhile to say


Active Member
Yeah i can say's called freedom of speech i would assume...specially so on a marijuana forum...i mean why else would he be posting? If you have a problem with me than please tell me so we can sort it out because i'm not looking for any internet nerd fights at the moment =P so fuck off if you dont have anything worthwhile to say
What are you talking about?

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
What are you talking about?
I'm guessing that is what happens when you don't bother with punctuation. It certainly read to me, even with the lack of a question mark as if you were questioning his ability to state what he stated as if it were against the rules etc. Whereas if there had been a comma it would have indicated you were agreeing with him. Unless you meant what you wrote in which case i'm confused :lol:


Well-Known Member
Come on man we have been waiting on this moment for days. We can get this done get busy we have things to do. Good luck
I'm guessing that is what happens when you don't bother with punctuation. Your post questioned his ability to state what he stated as if it were say against the rules or such.
punctuation matters on a marijuana forum how? if you can read what i say thats all that i care about. people need to stop getting their panties in such a bunch either that or some of you guys need a vacation to mellow out