Focusing on veg lighting, not just bloom


Well-Known Member
Until recently, I'd really only been focusing on bloom lighting -- watts, PAR range, efficacy, distance, heat.... Now I realize, veg is something I've taken for granted -- it isn't enough to just avoid burning plants or letting them get too cold. As with bloom, overdoing it in veg is pointless. Happy to see improvements, now I see veg lighting is an area to focus on.

Out of many "experiments," I randomly took one 120 Watt bar light and placed it over young clones. They came out looking so much healthier and thicker than vegging plants further away from 3-4x the watts. With fewer watts/heat, I was able to get closer. There's a lot more air/environment to control when lights are further away from plants. And I am really impressed what 120 Watts can do in veg. I was wasting lights/time having more watts further away.

Soon, I'll replace all veg with 2 racks of 1-2 66" lights (maybe 3-4' wide), and one rack at the bottom with maybe 3 lights for late veg plants before flipping to bloom. Also, in the window between veg and bloom, using late veg nutes for like the first week to get plants a growth spurt.

I started with a question in mind, didn't work out that way as I was typing. Any pics or tips on close-proximity LED veg, particularly stacked, are helpful. All stages of veg.
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