Foliar dolomite lime/gypsum +?neem - comments sought

Chester da Horse

Well-Known Member

I've just finished 3 weeks into flower on my first grow.

I am loving the results from foliar spraying (seaweed extract, mild nute solutions, AACT) so far.

Can I do a final spray at the start of wk4 flowering, or is it too late? (risk of PM/bud mould/bugs on the bud)

I have 500mL warm water bubbling overnight with a tablespoon each of dolomite lime and gypsum. I was thinking of straining this and adding weak hydroponic chemical grow/bloom nutes + seasol seaweed extract to this and spray at lights on with the lights raised high (24”). Maybe target the fan leaves and avoid spraying the baby budsites?

And would you advise against combining Eco-neem (azaradirachtin extracts A&B) with anything else for foliar use?

The plan is 'prevention is better than cure' – supplement micro/trace elements, boost sulfur availability for terpene production and discourage pests thru flower.

Any comments appreciated y'all?

(PS here they are:
Flower end of wk3sml.jpg

PSS: Schwag5 down the bottom is my 12/12 from bagseed experiment in a Bunnings (like HomeDepot) coco based soiless mix experiment - 3 seeds in one pot, one already looks like a quitter, leaving 2, hopefully one girl.
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Well-Known Member
I've never foliar fed before, but I have heard some people say it works great from time to time. Hopefully more experienced people come in to comment on this one, but I would assume that it wouldnt hurt to hit your plants with a foliar spray so long as you have good air circulation going for your grow.

If the water is just sitting and theres no fan blowing directly on your girls, you might avoid getting anything but the soil wet. Dont want mold problems.


Well-Known Member
Why do you feel the need for dolomite?
PH problems?

I use foliar feeding primarily to correct a perceived deficiency of NPK.(for which it greens 'em up quickly) Sometimes I have use epsom salt....but never dolomite lime???
I always mix some powdered dolomite lime in my soil-less mix, but I have never tried to foliar feed with it.
Good luck.


Well-Known Member
Don't spray your plants after they develop flowers. I don't recommend foliar feeding ever. With the risk of PM or bud rot, it just isn't worth the risk.


Well-Known Member
Don't spray your plants after they develop flowers. I don't recommend foliar feeding ever. With the risk of PM or bud rot, it just isn't worth the risk.
I have never used foliar feeding while flowering.
I have found that it is the quickest way to green up plants exhibiting deficiencies during veg.
Never had any problems. Indoors or out.

Chester da Horse

Well-Known Member
Thanks for the input ppl, will take your advice and dispose of the the water suspension.

I can vouch for targeted foliar feeding in the veg phase, like @Wavels says. It works. But I guess I'm a bit late.

A few tidbits if anyone else finds this in future:
gypsum is hydrated calcium sulfate
Royalqueenseeds/blog-cannabis-nutrient-and-deficiency-table-n88 - "Calcium deficiency can be fixed by foliar feeding (adding liquid fertilizer directly to plant leaves) one teaspoon of dolomatic lime per quart of water until the plant's condition approves"