Food coloring in hydro?


Active Member
Hey whats up guys, ok i need the age old question solved and i couldnt seem to find it anywhere on this site.. can you put food coloring in a hydro system to change the color of the buds. mines a stealth hydro 6 gal sys? if so at what time and how much should i introduce into the sys to change to buds color?


Active Member
I wondered about this to... i have some purple maxx im going to use on my purple kush plants when i but them later this week.


Active Member
or maybe after u clip the plants use a diabetic needle to inject the pure food coloring directly into the bottm of the plant and hang it upside down to dry??? food coloring is only water and dye correct?


Well-Known Member
From everything that I've heard, the roots filter out 99% of the food colouring, and you'd have to use a lot of it anyway. Kind of a waste.

What you CAN do, however, is colour them after harvest. Take buds with long branches. Make a clean cut on the stem, and then put them into a container mixed with water and a LOT of food colouring. Just as you would put a flower into a vase. Without the roots, the plant still functions for a while as it normally does, and should drink up the water, dye included. This will turn everything on your bud your desired colour.

Props to fdd on this. He's the one who enlightened me to the fact that it couldn't be done through the roots. I think he has a few posts regarding this; you might want to look them up.
::EDIT:: His thread is linked in the post above mine.



Well-Known Member
ok how about injection while upside down there in the dark curing for the first 3 days?
No. Just no. I'll assume you meant drying, not curing. There are a million reasons why I said, "no", but the headliner is:

That is a very, very easy way to infect your bud with bacteria or mold, or cause some other sort of damage, if you do not know what you are doing.

Besides- why would you want to inject moisture into something that's supposed to be drying? Or potentially ruin your bud? It's pointless. Just do it as fdd2blk outlined, if you really feel the urge to colour your weed. Much less invasive.

Have a good day.