Food or lockout

Jimi O'Connor

Active Member
So my plants getting a lighter green color. It also has leaves turning yellow, and there easy to pull off. Some of the healthy still green leaf tips have a tiny bit of burn on them. That's why I'm wondering if my plant has lockout or if it's running out of food... or something else?

My plants in a 5 gal cloth pot filled with a half n half mix of sohum living soil and foxfarm. I ran out of soil so I had to mix this way.

I water once or twice a week. The second watering of the week I add Recharge. I PH the water 6.1-6.4. The second watering (with Recharge) I generally keep the PH on the lower side because recharge raises PH level.

I have a light meter. So I follow the DLI and PAR as far as lightning goes.

The temperature and humidity on average 81 degrees, RH 58%-60%

The last few weeks the humidity has been higher than normal. The humidity has been in the 60's the last few days



Well-Known Member
Lots of possibilities, and people who know more than I do may weigh in.

Nitrogen toxicity will often be accompanied with dark green leaves, which makes me lean away from that diagnosis. They are likely hungry and you should be adding a fertilizer for flowering plants at this point, as your soil mix will likely not sustain the high demands of flowering cannabis. Are you using any added nutrients? You should. Maybe look for some Dr. Earth Flower Girl. Add a quarter cup into your top layer every two weeks or so during flowering (gauge plant response to know who much.) Might need something faster acting atm.

Are these autos or photos? If autos, how much light are your running? The curled down tips can be a reaction to too much light.

Running 81f with 55% humidity mean a pretty high VPD. Slightly lower temp or slightly higher humidity will help fix this. You want to keep humidity lower as the flowers start to fill out of course.

I wouldn’t bother with ph when growing in buffered soil like you are (unless things are really far off). If you make the ph too low, this could cause lock out, which may also be happening here.

Just some thoughts. Good luck

Jimi O'Connor

Active Member
Lots of possibilities, and people who know more than I do may weigh in.

Nitrogen toxicity will often be accompanied with dark green leaves, which makes me lean away from that diagnosis. They are likely hungry and you should be adding a fertilizer for flowering plants at this point, as your soil mix will likely not sustain the high demands of flowering cannabis. Are you using any added nutrients? You should. Maybe look for some Dr. Earth Flower Girl. Add a quarter cup into your top layer every two weeks or so during flowering (gauge plant response to know who much.) Might need something faster acting atm.

Are these autos or photos? If autos, how much light are your running? The curled down tips can be a reaction to too much light.

Running 81f with 55% humidity mean a pretty high VPD. Slightly lower temp or slightly higher humidity will help fix this. You want to keep humidity lower as the flowers start to fill out of course.

I wouldn’t bother with ph when growing in buffered soil like you are (unless things are really far off). If you make the ph too low, this could cause lock out, which may also be happening here.

Just some thoughts. Good luck
I have some Gaia green power bloom for when there in flower. I'm scared to add it I don't to make there to much food or burn the leafs I got left.

I'm not really sure how to use a EC meter. But I got one and I tested the run off and it was @ 7.3 mS. Does this help with telling if there's enough food in the soil still?

Jimi O'Connor

Active Member
Lots of possibilities, and people who know more than I do may weigh in.

Nitrogen toxicity will often be accompanied with dark green leaves, which makes me lean away from that diagnosis. They are likely hungry and you should be adding a fertilizer for flowering plants at this point, as your soil mix will likely not sustain the high demands of flowering cannabis. Are you using any added nutrients? You should. Maybe look for some Dr. Earth Flower Girl. Add a quarter cup into your top layer every two weeks or so during flowering (gauge plant response to know who much.) Might need something faster acting atm.

Are these autos or photos? If autos, how much light are your running? The curled down tips can be a reaction to too much light.

Running 81f with 55% humidity mean a pretty high VPD. Slightly lower temp or slightly higher humidity will help fix this. You want to keep humidity lower as the flowers start to fill out of course.

I wouldn’t bother with ph when growing in buffered soil like you are (unless things are really far off). If you make the ph too low, this could cause lock out, which may also be happening here.

Just some thoughts. Good luck
The soil I used was half fox farm and half sohum living soil. So the sohum is a "just add water" soil will all the food in it already. The fox farm has like a cpl weeks worth of food. So do you think I should add the Gaia green power bloom?

I added a Pic of the plant yesterday, the grow light wad off when I took the Picture. I'll add one with the led light on today

Tks ahead of time

