For Posterity


Well-Known Member
(I would like to stress the Cannabis Reuptake Inhibitors are not recreational drugs, they should be viewed more like vitamins to be used only in certain situations. PLEASE READ THE BOTTOM OF THIS POST)

Anyone that came here looking for information on Cancer or Tumor medication, I can not help you. I have personally read anecdotal reports that state because of the mode of action of Cannabinoid Reuptake Inhibitors it helps cancer by helping the body produce more natural Cannabinoids, and others that say they with hurt cancer treatment by not allowing as many Cannabinoids to get out of your brain

But I CAN tell you why I am researching this. My 11 year old brother died from brain swelling that came after a heart attack that was caused by allergies. EndoCannabinoids help with many things that NO OTHER MEDICATION is known to do:
Reduce Brain Swelling (NO OTHER MEDICINE CAN DO THIS, and it is the leading cause of death after stroke, and is the reason my brother died)
Reduce the effect of Brain Trauma (and in some cases when administered late, it even REVERSED the effects. This is according to studies in Israel)
And Even in some cases, bring people out of a Coma

Here is a scholarly article proving that it can help protect your brain, not just cure it:

If your loved one is in the hospital because of head trauma or brain swelling, this thread could save their life

The information provided about blood brain barrier boosters should help with people who have a weak heart beat

Your brain has natural Cannabinoids that it produces to regulate MANY things, these are called EndoCannabinoids.

I'm not sure if this is proven, but I have heard that there are studies saying that smoking THC and other Cannabinoids makes your brain feel as if it is unnecessary to produce its own Cannabinoids, since you are activating your CB1 receptor on your own.

But there is now a chem out there that is NOT a cannabinoid (I'm not sure what it is) called LY-2183240. What this chem is said to do is this:

Acts both as a potent inhibitor of the reuptake of the endocannabinoid anandamide, and as an inhibitor of fatty acid amide hydrolase (FAAH), the primary enzyme responsible for degrading anandamide. This leads to markedly elevated anandamide levels in the brain, and LY-2183240 has been shown to produce both analgesic and anxiolytic effects in animal models.

So basically,what this does is GETS YOU HIGH ON YOUR OWN CANNABINOIDS. It creates an environment where when a certain Cannabinoid enters the CB1 & CB2 region of the brain, it has to stay there until it DOES SOMETHING. It can't just go back into your blood and get pissed out.

Firstly, it "is a potent inhibitor of the reuptake of the endocannabinoid Anandamine".

Secondly, it stops your body from producing things that EAT Anandamine.

Thirdly, all of these things could slightly effects other Cannabinoids. As your brain is meant for Endocannabinoids, but when you smoke marijuana, you add to the supply in a way that the brain isn't exactly meant to handle.

Here is what Anandamine is (a natural Cannabinoid that your brain produces:
In 1992, in Raphael Mechoulam's lab, the first such compound was identified as arachidonoyl ethanolamine and named anandamide, a name derived from the Sanskrit word for bliss and -amide. Anandamide is derived from the essential fatty acid arachidonic acid. It has a pharmacology similar to THC, although its chemical structure is different. Anandamide binds to the central (CB1) and, to a lesser extent, peripheral (CB2) cannabinoid receptors, where it acts as a partial agonist. Anandamide is about as potent as THC at the CB1 receptor.[41] Anandamide is found in nearly all tissues in a wide range of animals.[42] Anandamide has also been found in plants, including small amounts in chocolate.

Mangoes have become pretty well known over the past year or so for helping Cannabinoids cross the blood brain barrier, so that more THC goes from your blood to your brain in the first place, and faster.


Endocannabinoids play an important role in every day things, as well as important things like your ability to get pregnant. So do not take Endo-Cannabinoid reuptake inhibitors as if they are marijuana replacements. They should be used as a tool for brain building (like a once a month boost maybe) just to tell your brain "Hey, those natural Cannabinoids are good for you" so it keeps making them.

ALSO, VERY IMPORTANT. Cannabinoid Reuptake Inhibitors are UNDERSTUDIED. So I would suggest not eating a variety of foods while on them. Ex: When you use MAOI, which is another form of inhibitor that CAN effect cannabis, but is not specifically selective of cannabinoids, is safe for humans to ingest. But because of the effects it has on your immune system you can get headaches, or even die if you eat or drink: Chocolate, Cheese or Alcohol. Simply because these things are toxic to our system, until our bodies break it down. So BE CAREFUL.

Here are the things EndoCannabinoids regulate, and these are the ONLY situations they could possibly be viewed useful in. THEY ARE NOT RECREATIONAL DRUGS.

Mice treated with tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) show suppression of long-term potentiation in the hippocampus, a process that is essential for the formation and storage of long-term memory.[25] These results concur with anecdotal evidence suggesting that smoking Cannabis impairs short-term memory[26] Consistent with this finding, mice without the CB1 receptor show enhanced memory and long-term potentiation indicating that the endocannabinoid system may play a pivotal role in the extinction of old memories. In contrast, a recent study found that the high-dose treatment of rats with the synthetic cannabinoid HU-210 over several weeks resulted in stimulation of neural growth in the rats' hippocampus region, a part of the limbic system playing a part in the formation of declarative and spatial memories.[27] Taken together, these findings suggest that the effects of endocannabinoids on memory are dependent on what type of neurons are being targeted (excitatory vs. inhibitory) and the location of these networks in the brain.
Role in hippocampal neurogenesis[edit]
In the adult brain, the endocannabinoid system facilitates the neurogenesis of hippocampal granule cells.[27][28] In the subgranular zone of the dentate gyrus, multipotent neural progenitors (NP) give rise to daughter cells that, over the course of several weeks, mature into granule cells whose axons project to and synapse onto dendrites on the CA3 region.[29] NPs in the hippocampus have been shown to possess FAAH and express CB1 and utilize 2-AG.[28] Intriguingly, CB1 activation by endogenous or exogenous cannabinoids promote NP proliferation and differentiation; this activation is absent in CB1 knockouts and abolished in the presence of antagonist.[27][28]
Induction of synaptic depression[edit]
The inhibitory effects of cannabinoid receptor stimulation on neurotransmitter release have caused this system to be connected to various forms of depressant plasticity. A recent study conducted with the bed nucleus of the stria terminalis found that the endurance of the depressant effects was mediated by two different signaling pathways based on the type of receptor activated. 2-AG was found to act on presynaptic CB1 receptors to mediate retrograde short-term depression (STD) following activation of L-type calcium currents, while anandamide was synthesized after mGluR5 activation and triggered autocrine signalling onto postsynapic TRPV1 receptors that induced long-term depression (LTD). Similar post-synaptic receptor dependencies were found in the striatum, but here both effects relied on presynaptic CB1 receptors.[11] These findings provide the brain a direct mechanism to selectively inhibit neuronal excitability over variable time scales. By selectively internalizing different receptors, the brain may limit the production of specific endocannabinoids to favor a time scale in accordance with its needs.
Evidence for the role of the endocannabinoid system in food-seeking behavior comes from a variety of cannabinoid studies. Emerging data suggests that THC acts via CB1 receptors in the hypothalamic nuclei to directly increase appetite.[30] It is thought that hypothalamic neurons tonically produce endocannabinoids that work to tightly regulate hunger. The amount of endocannabinoids produced is inversely correlated with the amount of leptin in the blood.[31] For example, mice without leptin not only become massively obese but express abnormally high levels of hypothalamic endocannabinoids as a compensatory mechanism.[7] Similarly, when these mice were treated with an endocannabinoid inverse agonists, such as rimonabant, food intake was reduced.[7] When the CB1 receptor is knocked-out in mice, these animals tend to be leaner and less hungry than wild-type mice. A related study examined the effect of THC on the hedonic value of food and found enhanced dopamine release in the nucleus accumbens and increased pleasure-related behavior after administration of a sucrose solution.[32] A related study found that endocannabinoids affect taste perception in taste cells [33] In taste cells, endocannabinoids were shown to selectively enhance the strength of neural signaling for sweet tastes, whereas leptin decreased the strength of this same response. While there is need for more research, these results suggest that cannabinoid activity in the hypothalamus and nucleus accumbens is related to appetitive, food-seeking behavior.[30]
Energy balance & metabolism[edit]
The endocannabinoid system has been shown to have a homeostatic role by controlling several metabolic functions, such as energy storage and nutrient transport. It acts on peripheral tissues such as adipocytes, hepatocytes, the gastrointestinal tract, the skeletal muscles and the endocrine pancreas. It has also been implied in modulating insulin sensitivity. Through all of this, the endocannabinoid system may play a role in clinical conditions, such as obesity, diabetes, and atherosclerosis, which may also give it a cardiovascular role.[34]
Stress response[edit]
While the secretion of glucocorticoids in response to stressful stimuli is an adaptive response necessary for an organism to respond appropriately to a stressor, persistent secretion may be harmful. The endocannabinoid system has been implicated in the habituation of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis (HPA axis) to repeated exposure to restraint stress. Studies have demonstrated differential synthesis of anandamide and 2-AG during tonic stress. A decrease of anandamide was found along the axis that contributed to basal hypersecretion of corticosterone; in contrast, an increase of 2-AG was found in the amygdala after repeated stress, which was negatively correlated to magnitude of the corticosterone response. All effects were abolished by the CB1 antagonist AM251, supporting the conclusion that these effects were cannabinoid-receptor dependent.[35] These findings show that anandamide and 2-AG divergently regulate the HPA axis response to stress: while habituation of the stress-induced HPA axis via 2-AG prevents excessive secretion of glucocorticoids to non-threatening stimuli, the increase of basal corticosterone secretion resulting from decreased anandamide allows for a facilitated response of the HPA axis to novel stimuli.
Exploration, social behavior, and anxiety[edit]
Prolonged, systemic exposure to cannabinoids has often been associated with anti-social effects. To investigate this theory, a cannabinoid receptor-knockout mouse study examined the effect that these receptors play on exploratory behavior. Researchers selectively targeted glutamatergic and GABAergic cortical interneurons and studied results in open field, novel object, and sociability tests. Eliminating glutamaterigic cannabinoid receptors led to decreased object exploration, social interactions, and increased aggressive behavior. In contrast, GABAergic cannabinoid receptor-knockout mice showed increased exploration of objects, socialization, and open field movement.[36] These contrasting effects reveal the importance of the endocannabinoid system in regulating anxiety-dependent behavior. Results suggest that glutamatergic cannabinoid receptors are not only responsible for mediating aggression, but produce an anxiolytic-like function by inhibiting excessive arousal: excessive excitation produces anxiety that limited the mice from exploring both animate and inanimate objects. In contrast, GABAergic neurons appear to control an anxiogenic-like function by limiting inhibitory transmitter release. Taken together, these two sets of neurons appear to help regulate the organism's overall sense of arousal during novel situations.
Immune function[edit]
Evidence suggests that endocannabinoids may function as both neuromodulators and immunomodulators in the immune system. Here, they seem to serve an autoprotective role to ameliorate muscle spasms, inflammation, and other symptoms of multiple sclerosis and skeletal muscle spasms.[1] Functionally, the activation of cannabinoid receptors has been demonstrated to play a role in the activation of GTPases in macrophages, neutrophils, and BM cells. These receptors have also been implicated in the proper migration of B cells into the marginal zone (MZ) and the regulation of healthy IgM levels.[37] Interestingly, some disorders seem to trigger an upregulation of cannabinoid receptors selectively in cells or tissues related to symptom relief and inhibition of disease progression, such as in that rodent neuropathic pain model, where receptors are increased in the spinal cord microglia, dorsal root ganglion, and thalmic neurons.[9]
Multiple sclerosis[edit]
Historical records from ancient China and Greece suggest that preparations of Cannabis Indica were commonly prescribed to ameliorate multiple sclerosis-like symptoms such as tremors and muscle pain. Modern research has confirmed these effects in a study on diseased mice, wherein both endogenous and exogenous agonists showed ameliorating effects on tremor and spasticity. It remains to be seen whether pharmaceutical preparations such as dronabinol have the same effects in humans.[38][39] Due to increasing use of medical Cannabis and rising incidence of multiple sclerosis patients who self-medicate with the drug, there has been much interest in exploiting the endocannabinoid system in the cerebellum to provide a legal and effective relief.[26] In mouse models of multiple sclerosis, there is a profound reduction and reorganization of CB1 receptors in the cerebellum.[40] Serial sections of cerebellar tissue subjected to immunohistochemistry revealed that this aberrant expression occurred during the relapse phase but returned to normal during the remitting phase of the disease.[40] Other studies suggest that CB1 agonists promote the survival of oligodendrocytes in vitro in the absence of growth and trophic factors; in addition, these agonist have been shown to promote mRNA expression of myelin lipid protein. (Kittler et al., 2000; Mollna-Holgado et al., 2002). Taken together, these studies point to the exciting possibility that cannabinoid treatment may not only be able to attenuate the symptoms of multiple sclerosis but also improve oligodendrocyte function (reviewed in Pertwee, 2001; Mollna-Holgado et al., 2002). 2-AG stimulates proliferation of a microglial cell line by a CB2 receptor dependent mechanism, and the number of microglial cells is increased in multiple sclerosis.[41]
Female reproduction[edit]
The developing embryo expresses cannabinoid receptors early in development that are responsive to anandamide secreted in the uterus. This signaling is important in regulating the timing of embryonic implantation and uterine receptivity. In mice, it has been shown that anandamide modulates the probability of implantation to the uterine wall. For example, in humans, the likelihood of miscarriage increases if uterine anandamide levels are too high or low.[42] These results suggest that intake of exogenous cannabinoids (e.g. marijuana) can decrease the likelihood for pregnancy for women with high anandamide levels, and alternatively, it can increase the likelihood for pregnancy in women whose anandamide levels were too low.[43][44]
Autonomic nervous system[edit]
Peripheral expression of cannabinoid receptors led researchers to investigate the role of cannabinoids in the autonomic nervous system. Research found that the CB1 receptor is expressed presynaptically by motor neurons that innervate visceral organs. Cannabinoid-mediated inhibition of electric potentials results in a reduction in noradrenaline release from sympathetic nervous system nerves. Other studies have found similar effects in endocannabinoid regulation of intestinal motility, including the innervation of smooth muscles associated with the digestive, urinary, and reproductive systems.[10]
At the spinal cord, cannabinoids suppress noxious-stimulus-evoked responses of neurons in the dorsal horn, possibly by modulating descending noradrenaline input from the brainstem.[10] As many of these fibers are primarily GABAergic, cannabinoid stimulation in the spinal column results in disinhibition that should increase noradrenaline release and attenuation of noxious-stimuli-processing in the periphery and dorsal root ganglion. The endocannabinoid most researched in pain is palmitoylethanolamide . Palmitoylethanolamide is a fatty amine related to anandamide, but saturated and although initially it was thought that palmitoylethanolamide would bind to the CB1 and the CB2 receptor, later it was found that the most important receptors are the PPAR-alpha receptor, the TRPV receptor and the GRP55 receptor. Palmitoylethanolamide has been evaluated for its analgesic actions in a great variety of pain indications and found to be safe and effective. Basically these data are proof of concept for endocannabinoids and related fatty amines to be therapeutically useful analgesics; palmitoylethaanolamide is available under the brandnames Normast and PeaPure as neutraceuticals.
Anandamide and N-arachidonoyl dopamine (NADA) have been shown to act on temperature-sensing TRPV1 channels, which are involved in thermoregulation.[45] TRPV1 is activated by the exogenous ligand capsaicin, the active component of chili peppers, which is structurally similar to endocannabinoids. NADA activates the TRPV1 channel with an EC50 of approximately of 50 nM. The high potency makes it the putative endogenous TRPV1 agonist.[46] Anandamide has also been found to activate TRPV1 on sensory neuron terminals, and subsequently cause vasodilation.[10] TRPV1 may also be activated by methanandamide and arachidonyl-2'-chloroethylamide (ACEA).[1]
Increased endocannabinoid signaling within the central nervous system promotes sleep-inducing effects. Intercerebroventricular administration of anandamide in rats has been shown to decrease wakefulness and increase slow-wave sleep and REM sleep.[47] Administration of anandamide into the basal forebrain of rats has also been shown to increase levels of adenosine, which plays a role in promoting sleep and suppressing arousal.[48] REM sleep deprivation in rats has been demonstrated to increase CB1 receptor expression in the central nervous system.[49] Furthermore, anandamide levels possess a circadian rhythm in the rat, with levels being higher in the light phase of the day, which is when rats are usually asleep or less active, since they are nocturnal.
AM404, also known as N-arachidonoylaminophenol,[1] is an active metabolite of paracetamol (acetaminophen), responsible for all or part of its analgesic action

AM-404 is created in the body when you take Tylenol, so taking Tylenol helps Cannabinoids work.

The mango has just been recently discovered to be a perfect ally for marijuana smokers, both recreational and medicinal, around the globe. This is because myrcene terpenes are found in mangos which are also coexistent in cannabis and marijuana. Myrcene is an organic compound most commonly used in the fragrance industry because of the sweet aroma is produces. This is why plants containing myrcene terpenes such as mango's, lemon grass, cannabis, and hops have a sweet odor. The chemical myrcene (specifically the terpenes within it) helps the psychoactive ingredients in marijuana travel faster and more efficiently through the blood brain barrier ultimately increasing, strengthening, and even lengthening the '‹Å"high' feeling.

Mango Juice + Lemon Grass Extract + Tylenol + Nicacin + Any Reuptake Inhibitor... Plus a bowl of Medical marijuana.

I'm going to try this as soon as possible.

Niacin is also apparently very helpful with crossing the Blood Brain Barrier, so can help you get higher when you take about 100mg 3x a day. I wouldn't suggest mixing too much niacin with any inhibitors though, as niacin is strange, and does multiple things.

Do you toss and turn before going to sleep? Are you depressed or down in the dumps? Maybe you're forgetful, anxious, get easily distracted? Do any of these ring a bell or have you forgotten the first question already? Did you just glance back to the beginning to refresh your memory?
All of these things can be symptoms of niacin deficiency.

Niacin can also put 'spark' back into your life. Red blood cells that are rich in oxygen produce a negative electric charge; this is their 'spark'. These blood cells repel each other due to the negative electric charge so on their trek through the capillaries to the brain they must go single file. Lack of oxygen can cause them to lose their charge; they all gather around each other and create a barrier from being bunched up. This barrier keeps oxygen out of the brain and leads to the symptoms mentioned above. Go ahead, scan the top to remind yourself what they were. The good news is that niacin gives red blood cells their spark back.

Niacin also helps lower cholesterol and triglycerides, two blood fats that cause clogged arteries, and also helps eliminate the slugging effect (caused by those red blood cells losing their spark and huddling up together).

Niacin is key to lowering fatigue and joint stiffness. Niacin deficiency is known as pellagra, but until symptoms reach a certain stage (dementia, skin rash and diarrhea) it's rarely diagnosed or even caught. Other symptoms of mild pellagra include; fatigue, bloating, joint problems, depression, intestinal problems and irritability.

Taking 50 -100 milligrams up to 3 or 4 times a day can reduce and in many cases eliminate these symptoms. Be sure to check your label if you decide to supplement niacin. Most niacin supplements are sold as niacinamide which has little effect on lowering blood fats. Look for a supplement that contains niacin in its purest form or try to get adequate amounts in your diet.

Niacin is one of the B complex vitamins so it's relatively easy to get them all together in certain foods. Liver is one of the best sources of the B complex vitamins but it's understandable that not many people like liver. You can also get these nutrients in other meats as well. Tuna is another good source and so are nuts and seeds. These are generally good sources because they aren't over processed which can destroy vitamin content. You can also eat more whole grains, peas, and beans to get B vitamins. One of the best sources of B complex vitamins is brewers yeast.

The latest review, published in Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B, suggests that activating the brain’s cannabinoid system may trigger a sort of anti-oxidant cleanse, removing damaged cells and improving the efficiency of the mitochrondria, the energy source that powers cells, ultimately leading to a more robustly functioning brain.

Activation of cannabinoid receptors can also reduce brain inflammation in several different ways, which may in turn suppress some of the disease processes responsible for degenerative brain diseases such as Alzheimer’s.

Other studies covered in the review showed that mice bred to lack the cannabinoid receptors have better memories early in life but have more rapid cognitive decline as they age, including inflammation in the hippocampus, a key region for memory. “This finding suggests that, at some point during aging, cannabinoid activity helps maintain normal cognitive functions in mice,” says Daniele Piomelli, professor of neurobiology, anatomy and biological chemistry at the University of California – Irvine, who was not associated with the study.

I ordered some Tylenol, Niacin & Lemon Grass.

I am going to start a Niacin regimen, like 250mg a day to promote blood flow, which will help THC and other things in my blood cross to my brain.

Then I will take Tylenol 1+ times a week, so that my brain has a little AM-404 in it frequently, so that it knows to keep its natural Cannabinoids, as well as the ones I add to it.

Then I will buy some Mangoes and a Juicer, so that I can drink a bowl of Mango juice in the morning, to help Cannabinoids cross my blood brain barrier.

And I will make a lemon grass extract, and add a little to my mango juice every morning. Which should boost the effects of the Mangoes.

And I am a medical MJ patient, so I can compare and contrast my highs.
This method may take a few days to post in its entirety, as I am going to go deeper than just procedure, so that the information can be educational to ANYONE that comes across it. I will make a video soon, I am currently in the process of moving. I may end up covering a few different methods through videos.

The main method that will be discussed here is "Dr. Atomic's marijuana Multiplier". I want to remind everyone that I am not advocating that anyone who has never handled at least home depot grade chemicals before, if you do not know what you are looking at when you go to home depot, it is not time to try this yet. And further, I suggest taking some form of chemistry class beyond highschool before doing this.

This method was produced and advertised for turning trim or shit weed, into good quality or even "Best" quality hash.

1. Collect Stems, Trim, Shake and Hash remnants in a glass jar. It is best to keep hash separate to protect your grinder during step 2. But the hash will be made even better.
2. Get a coffee grinder, and when you have an oz or more in your jar, grind it up and put it back. Then redo step 1 and 2, or move on to step 3.

3. Using a coffee filter/cheese cloth/etc and a solvent such as (pure) alcohol/acetone/naphtha/etc and another glass jar, extract the THC and other Cannabinoids from the plant material. If you don't know what this means, it's not time for you to do this yet. Just save more stuff, and maybe try a simple extraction that doesn't involve the extra steps that this thread will present.

If you can handle this, create a reflux machine. A reflux machine is somewhat like a still, but different. It will involve a pot of boiling water, with a smaller pot inside, and a rope under the pot inside to create about an inch of space between the two pots. The smaller pot should have a polyethylene trash bag which will be safe to use with solvents. In the trash bag should be an even smaller pot (stainless steel) should contain the solvent with the marijuana. This all should be covered with a upside down pot lid that is cooled by bags of ice. The solvent will boil in the inner inner pot, and go to the trash bag. In the inner inner pot, you will be left with empty plant material. DO NOT leave this unwatched, and it is heavily suggested that you use a hot plate that has no open electric sources. The solvents used CAN and WILL catch fire.

You don't want the solvents to extract chems from the bag,. So it would be best to get the right bags, unless you want to end up with some "Breaking Bad" type problems i.e. Body in the Bathtub.

You will be keeping the marijuana AND THE SOLVENT that is left in the stainless steel jar. But you STILL want to get the right bags, so that you aren't smoking plastic.

From here, you dump the solvent and grinded bud back into the glass jar, and do what was said to do in step 3. (I only said the steps out of order because if step 3 makes no sense, then the reflux will make no sense. And if the reflux makes no sense, you will get a lower quality product, but you can still continue without creating the machine, and just doing a simple extraction. Again, the only factor that will change here is quality.

Use a strainer to hold the plant material, filter material (cheese cloth, etc) under that, a Collander to hold it all. The solvent will evaporate and fall back through the plant material so it can extract more cannabinoids. Eventually you will be left with less solvent and a bunch of cannabinoids.

STEP 4. Get a small cake pan that is bigger than the stainless steel pot, but that can fit in the colander. If you want, you can keep the marijuana mash and make more hash still, so just leave it to dry and put it in the freezer. Cake pan goes in Colander, Colander goes on top of stainless steel pot. This time when you use the reflux machine, the solvent will evaporate OUT of the stainless steel pot and INTO the cake pan. This is another part you can skip, but you will risk quality.

Step 5.

This is a step to make sure your hash is completely clean of solvents and water. After this step you would have some fairly awesome hash (if you have gone through all the other steps) and could stop and smoke here if you wanted... But for those who want "The Best" hash, do step 5, then continue on.

Get a pot that is bigger than the stainless steel one, and fill it with cooking oil. Put the hash in the stainless steel pot, and the stainless steel pot in the oil. Use a candy thermometer and wait for the oil to get to 220 F or 104 C. Hold a small mirror over the stainless steel pot. When the mirror no longer fogs up, you have removed all extra solvents and water from your hash.

Step 6.

Now... This is the FIRST step that is really doing more than most average extraction methods (other than multiple purity runs). But we still aren't done after this.

What you need for this is Petroleum Ether, and preferably an ice bath to keep the glass in the whole time.

Dissolve the hash in 5x its weight in petroleum ether, this can be measured by weighing your hash, then "Tare"ing your scale with a glass on it, and weighing out 5x the weight in Petroleum Ether.

You are going to want to use a bottle that has a screw top (mason jar, etc)

Add the same volume of water as Petroleum Ether (Use the same glass and scale, or even draw a line on the outside of the glass when you weigh the Ether)

Measure HALF of the water and add that much more Petroleum Ether. (This is what the book says, but I think it is a typo and I will test it myself. I believe this part of the step should be alcohol. So that there is one layer of water, one layer of ether, and one layer of alcohol. As the book says there will be 3 layers)

A. Screw the cap on, flip the jar upside down for a moment, then immediately return it upright.
B. Wait for the liquid to flow down the side of the jar for a moment, then open the cap to relieve pressure.
C. Then recap.

Repeat A, B and C 25x

Step 7.

If you have a glass bong, and a funnel that will not release any chems into the solvent. Then at the end of step 6, pour the mixture into your bong. But pour like beer, so that you do not create bubbles. Bubbles will capture and trap the Cannabinoids in a place you can not retrieve them.

Let the 3 layers settle out with your bong sitting next to the sink, then connect a rubber tube to your down stem, and blow the 2 bottom layers into the sink. If you want to try to keep as much Cannabinoids as possible, then make sure you keep a TINY bit of the middle layer as a buffer. But if you are willing to throw away a small amount of your product in exchange for purity, then blow out the entire middle layer, which will most likely make you blow out a little tiny bit of the top layer.

If you do NOT have a bong and funnel that is made of the correct material, the you will need to get 2 glass jugs, 2 pieces of rubber tubing. 2 rubber stoppers for the top of the glass jars, each stopper needs to have 2 holes that fit the rubber tubing. 4 glass tubes (1 long, 3 short) that fit in the holes on the stoppers, and the rubber tubes fit on them.

The jars are basically set up like a still (but with no heat). One jar will contain the extract, and will have a glass tube working like a straw leading up to the rubber tube. Then the rubber tube will lead to a short glass tube in the second jar. The second jar will have a glass tube sticking out as an air hole, and the first jar will have a glass tube connected to a rubber tube for you to blow in.

You want to make sure that the long glass tube stop right before the middle layer, so that it can reach the entire top layer, but not suck up the middle layer.

When you blow in the tube on jar 1, the extract will be forced up the long glass tube, and into the second jar.

Once finished, add the same amount as Ether as you used to dissolve the hash the first time. But add it to the dirty stuff left in the first jar or bong. Then repeat the steps a few times, so that you have AS MANY cannabinoids out of the 3 layers as possible

Step 8.

Set up the reflux machine with the cake pan, colander and stainless steel pot again. The same as in 4. Ether goes in the stainless steel pot, and the water in the outer pot is SLOWLY boiled to 140 F or 60 C. The solvent will boil and you will be left with Cannabinoids in a little solvent in stainless steel pot. MAKE SURE THE TRASH BAG IS SEALED, AND DO NOT LEAVE THE CONTAINER BOILING WITHOUT SOMEONE WATCHING.


Step 9. You must be 21 for this step, and also must have someone who has experience in a college lab on hand.

Once step 8 is complete, fill a tub with hot water and put the stainless steel pot in it to evaporate any remaining solvents.

The next step is to Isomerize the molecules. We are literally changing the molecular structure of the Hash. This means that ALL Cannabinoids (CBN, CBD and even non active Cannabinoids) will be turned into active Delta-9-THC.

Doing this should make your hash 2x stronger, but could make it up to 6x stronger depending on how many other Cannabinoids are present.

You will need some COMPLETELY PURE (this means ZERO WATER) methanol, Sulfuric acid, glass beaker (or mason jar) for dissolving, a glass stirring rod, a pyrex glass pot, a reflux machine, Petroleum Ether, and the Petroleum ether blow tube machine that was made with 2 jars (or your glass bong), baking soda, safety goggles, rubber kitchen gloves (as long as possible), a rubber apron or large sheet of rubber, clothing that covers as much skin as possible, face mask (or bandanna), a box with a styrofoam cooler (or Polyurethane-foam) fit snuggly inside, water...

Sulfuric acid is corrosive. If it touches your eyes or skin it will cause harm, if you have never taken a chemistry class beyond highschool do not continue forward until you find someone who has. At least one ORGANIC CHEMISTRY or BIOCHEMISTRY major would be preferable.

Remember in fight club when he kissed his hand and put lye (a strong base) on it then washed it off with vingar (an acid), this is the opposite of that. The acids mentioned are JUST AS STRONG as the base (lye) used in fight club. It WILL burn, melt and destroy your skin. So put AS MUCH baking soda in the mixture as will dissolve, so that if you get burned you can quickly dump it on your skin and hopefully stop any severe harm.

The acid should be kept in the bottle it came in, and stored in the box with the styrofoam lining.


Using PURE METHANOL WITH NO WATER (Water will react in a violent way with the acid when you add it later) dissolve the Cannabinoids in 10g Methanol to 1g Cannabinoids. This should be done in the glass beaker or mason jar.

Next step is to add 100% pure Sulfuric acid at 1 drop per gram. So if you don't have a gram of Cannabinoids, either save what you have or stop after step 8.

Before you add the acid, begin stirring the methanol mixture with the glass rod. While still stirring (slowly but completely stirring), add the drops 1 drop for every 1 gram you have.

Now, pour the mixture into the pyrex. And put the pyrex into your Reflux machine in place of the stainless steel pot. Pyrex MUST be used, the acid has a chance of eating anything else. If you use metal, you are extracting metal. You will not use anything but the Pyrex this time, you don't need the Colander or Cake pan. You just want it to evaporate, and fall right back in.

Boil for 2 hours. The acid will not evaporate, and will remain in the glass. WAIT FOR IT TO COOL COMPLETELY BEFORE CONTINUING.

It is not ok to add water to acid, but it IS ok to add acid to water. So now, cool the solution of acid/methanol/cannabinoids and mix in an equal volume of water, plus 1/2 the volume of water in Petroleum Ether. So 2 parts Methanol mix, 2 parts Water, 1 part Petroleum Ether.

Do the same thing you did before in the mason jar, and flip the solution over 25x, releasing pressure each time. Then in the end pour the mixture (beer style to prevent bubbles) into the 2 jar blowing apparatus that was created earlier to separate layers (or your glass bong).

Use the same method as before to get the Petroleum Ether alone. But it IS NOT ALONE. DO NOT EVAPORATE AND SMOKE THIS, YOU ARE NOT DONE.

Measure out 4x the volume of water that you have in Petroleum Ether, and in that water add 5% Baking Soda... 1g baking soda to 20g water.

The baking soda (a base) will react with the sulfuric acid (an acid) to create Sodium Sulfate (a neutral, non-harmful salt).

Remove the Petroleum Ether layer, then add more water (no baking soda this time) and Petroleum Ether and repeat.

Set-up the reflux machine with the cake pan and the colander and the stainless steel pot, and remove the Petroleum Ether from the Cannabinoids.

You now have a clean product that is better than any hash I have ever personally come across, and I have been from Texas to the West Coast, to East Coast, and to Colorado (where I am now) .

This is not my method, it comes straight from the Dr. Atomic's Marijuana Multiplier Book. I will soon preform this method myself, and will revise the method to fit modern availability over the next few days.
In cases of brain swelling, the patient will not be able to get cannaboids into their system fast enough to stop it if the swelling is acute. As it would be during a heart attack.

Shouldn't someone who is allergic to peanuts KNOW that M&Ms may contain nuts? It is such a common candy that kids are exposed to on Halloween, valentines day, Christmas, Easter and so on.
Reduce Brain Swelling (NO OTHER MEDICINE CAN DO THIS, and it is the leading cause of death after stroke, and is the reason my brother died)
Reduce the effect of Brain Trauma (and in some cases when administered late, it even REVERSED the effects. This is according to studies in Israel)

Only a mad genius would take the time and detail to come up with and then write out all that complex nonsense.

However, you did miss something in your opening paragraph. Here is a link to a list of medications to reduce brain swelling Failspammy: