For those of you with Aerogarden experience


Active Member
I was hoping someone might be willing to share some advice about growing in their Aerogarden. I have a Pro 200 and I a few feminized AK47 auto x Lowryder #2 seeds. Could it be as easy as following the directions, set the thing for continuous 24 hours, drop in one big tab and one small tab of the Aerogarden nutes every couple of weeks. and more purified water whenever it asks for it?

Anyone had any experience with Aerodgarden and the autoflowering strains?

I'm wondering if I could get started with feminized seeds, if I'd be able to pull any seeds from any of the females from seed. Because I'd like to find a way to keep a continuos cycle of plants going from seed to harvest every nine weeks. Seems like it could be possible, if I can get some seeds out of each crop.

I'm a first timer here. And I'm hoping I can keep it simple and that my ideas are realistic. I'm definitely going for the most I can do with minimal equipment and space usage. Seems like I could get a decent amount of medicine from a plant in each of the seven holes in the Aerogarden. And that it'd also be possible to get seeds from them for the next round.


Active Member
I also have access to 2-3 clones every so often.

Should I save my seeds for a better setup? Should I go ahead and spend my time with the clones, try to get more clones going, get a mother going and then divide things out into three stages?

I'm not really sure what will work better, but I'd like to start off and get going on something that'll be nicely self-sustaining.

So any advice is appreciated. Thanks!


Active Member
I would recommend using distilled water for the tank - buy at wal-mart $.78. If you want make an endless system you will have to have at least 2 seperate lights and spaces; 1 for veg, 1 flower. I use my aero for cuttings and then move over to flowering room. good luck