Found a banana in one of my colas!! what to do!?


Active Member
i was looking at one of my colas today and i found what appeared to be a little banana lookin thing, i cut it off and i think it was a male flower, she musta hermied on me!@# damnit im pissed off. I only found one banana dick out of the whole crop. should i cut it down or should i jsut wait it out? I dont want a whole seeded crop and there was only one male flower that i could find. argghhhh what should i dooo????
You should post a pic. the male flowers I have seen always looked like a very small ball hanging off a verysmall tendril.
Different strains can look different. Don't be too quick assuming it is a hermie. May be or maybe not.
Best Wishes


Active Member
darn i already picked it off and flushed it. it was two yellow small banana lookin things with a slight crease down the middle


sounds like it went a lil hermi on ya. just cafefully pick it off. turn off all your fans to. try to be gentle and not forefully open the polin sac


Active Member
im 36 days into flower too arghhhhh, have only found one so far, im going to keep checking and i'll post a pic if i find another, HOPEFULLY i dont find another


listen take some tweezers and pick that shit out before it opens up and busts a nutt all over your grow.


Active Member
i found about 10 of those on one my plants from my 1st grow. i picked em off as i saw em. only got maybe 20 seeds from it. if u see powder coming from them, time to worry


if its just one or two pick then off now man. if more pop up you may want to isolate that plant from the rest, or harvest it so it dont pollinate all your crop