Found Eggs.. Almost through flowering... Need help

I came across some eggs or something at on one of the lowest branches, at the first shoot. I cleaned them off and killed them, (should have saved one, didn't, I know now to do that.) And about 5-6 days later now same said branch has nearly collapsed. I swear there are more eggs now. It's almost like I supercropped the branch down. Do you think I have a caterpillar in there? Should I chop that branch at the stalk to contain it?

Any any any info at all here and a solid factual answer so I can contain this and handle asap! Thanks
I don't think the are mites but maybe I'm wrong. There's no webbing or anything really. They are kinda big for mite eggs. They are like the size of a grain of sand maybe a little bigger and they are squish and larvae like.
And why would you recommend me to spray my plants all over with anything as I said I'm in the late stages of flowering. Not a good idea IMO, but I could be wrong


Well-Known Member
Hey, yeah saving an egg would help you id the pest. Saying that if the egg is large it could even be a predators egg, finger crossed ay. I have found eggs, like mini grains of rice in shape but quite small and soft,, never found the culprit, but did find a large scirid fly stuck to my sticky trap. Dont think it was a sciarid fly as this was huge, well alot bigger than an actual sciarid fly,,
If you try looking for bug egg pics to id the pest it will take for ever. Saying that there a Canadian website that helps people id pests, but of course that is very regional.

Yes spraying is bad in flower, but not impossible, so long as you control you humidity and don't let water sit on the buds you should be good. I wouldnt spray dish soap on them as it would probly make them taste funky. But plain water would slow the bugs down. Or removing the eggs by hand if you can see them. But that could take ages and you may not get them all.
I have used pyrethrum 5ec about about 5-6 weeks into flower, it wasnt so much directed at the buds but was fogged into the room. I think it kinda shocked them to be honest, and slowed flower down by a week or two, but killed the bugs and the plants didnt mind too much, just slowed down abity.

Anyhow take it easy and good luck,,
I could easily see them and they seem to be only on this one branch. I cleaned them off again mostly hopefully it stops. But I am pretty late in flower only a few weeks left. Haven't seen them really do any damage to the buds, so I'm not really worried.

Is there any way to tell if your buds are being damaged or you have pests other than just looking at them thoroughly? It's my first grow so I've been pretty meticulous when it comes to the buds. I look at them pretty thoroughly and don't seem to see anything out of the ordinary..

brotes grandes

Active Member
Do not spray anything on her mate. I got a massive thrip infestation from a chilli bush 5ish weeks into flower so I delicately carefully applied white oil on her to get rid of em and it was the BIGGEST MISTAKE I HAVE EVER DONE,YES it killed my thrips but I lost around 2/3rds of my leaves and half the buds 3.5oz as the oil was too strong and almost like acid on the buds and destroyed them over the next few weeks even tho I sprayed off with water the next 3 days. There is ways to kill any infestations during flower but its just to delicate of a situation so I've jumped back a step and now take extra precautions before hand and be extra vigilant on yourself during flower. The only thing I can say to help would be to use plain water on the plant to spray off any loose eggs on plant or if it gets too bad cut off the most infected areas and place those insect sticky rolls around the bottom half of your plant to try get some of the perps to i.d so you know what your dealing with.. If it is a soil bug you will eventually come across it as I did in veg if you spend some time in with your plants. A soil conditioner can be used in veg but I wouldn't use 1 now. I did read somewhere that garlic can be used somehow crushed with water but its gonna stink your area up.. GL mate
Thanks for the info and replies guys. I'm going to keep checking on her and make sure it doesn't spread. I havent seen any visible damage, just eggs, but I was thinking maybe there was a worm inside the stem eating away since it started to bend down on me like it was supercropped... and I don't think it's because the buds are heavy seeing as it's the only branch doing that... Just gonna hope it stays contained to this one and keep cleaning the eggs off...