Found This Last Night


Well-Known Member
I rent a trailer and I was cleaning out the laundry room and found this big ass bulb. I knew what it was the second I saw it. It says GE Multi-Vapor Lamp, and at the top it says Metal Halide. It's 400w. Im wondering what kind of ballast I need to get and what does the operating position have to be?
Unless your seriously handy with electrical work & able to easily & cheaply score parts it's not worth messing around trying to rig up a light from scratch,i understand that cash dont grow on tree's but you can buy a complete 400 watt metal halide system that comes with everything you need,including the relector for about $130 shipped to your front door.

Keep the bulb as a spare & buy a brand new complete system,far less headache & much much safer.
That bulb probably has been used a few times anyway, it might not give you as much kick as you are expecting.
cash dont grow on trees??you try convincing ppl thats true who grow large amounts for a living lol.....
I have to agree, The old bulb probaly isnt worth your time.
Did you know you can get ge cfls that are at 6500k at wallmart for like $3 a piece?
they fit into a standard socket.
There is your cheap light setup that will work.