Fourth grow, back to photoperiod, help?

Ok, right now I'm in the middle of my second grow with blue mystic autoflower and low ryder #2(pics will be forthcoming).

The thing is because of the really, really low yields I've been getting with autoflowers I'm really thinking of going back to photoperiod.

Now my first photoperiod I did pretty well. I got about an ounce or so off of a few Durga Mata plants. I used cheap lights, kept 12/12 using thick theatre type curtains, and added CO2 by using a pan filled with baking soda that I added vinegar into every day(yes it did waste a lot of CO2, but it really didn't matter that much as I can get vinegar and baking soda cheap). The fan I used kept the air flowing and didn't break 12/12 because the curtains were double layered and so air could get in but no light.

Now for my next grow I'd like to try something more "traditional", meaning some of the things that I see on this forum(you know, HPS lights, sealed grow area, still probibly won't blow the OMG money on a CO2 tank, the vinegar/baking soda works just fine, go back to Blue Mountain nutes,etc.). Here is the problem. I rent my apartment, only have a 6ft tall 6 ft wide and 3ft thick closet to do my grow in, and don't have the tools or area to build anything really elaborate out of wood.

It has been suggested by some friends that I use PVC pipe to build the grow box frame and cover that with panda film and use a saw horse in the inside to hang the lights off of.

My grow goal is to be able to have about an ounce or so a month, give or take and to be able to be generous with my stoner friends.

I don't have a fantastic amount of building skills and, again, can't make enough noise to disrupt the neighbors.

Any ideas? Anything I should be adding? Grumbles about damn hobby growers who don't take the grow seriously? Help?


Well-Known Member
I think you are wasting your time with the co2 bud. The levels need to be within 200ppm all the time or it's effectiveness is just a waste of effort, but I feel that using CO2 in anything but a sealed room is a waste of time all together.

Just my two cents bro :)