Fox Farm Beastie Bloomz...29 Days Of Flowering And No Nutes So Far............


Well-Known Member
Hey man, honostly I know nothing about Fox Farm. BUT, I saw my first white hair wednesday (actually only 2 hairs), so I went to the hydro shop and the guy showed me all of the top-of-the-line organic ferts. He said fox farm was okay, but he recommended me to use two ferts made by Botanicare ($25 for a super small bottle). I bought the blooming fert, and a trace mineral fert (Karma Blend). Since then it has been three days, the results are AMAZING! Every stem has hairs on it, and they have nearly doubled in thickness. I acknowledge that this could be due to regular growth... But if so thats some fast ass regular growth.
As far as you are into flowering I would definatly recommend feeding them. I'm using a couple flouros, and I'm only 13 days into 12/12 and my plant is pretty much where yours is at. Sorry I can't help you with the FoxFarm info though. Good luck, keep us updated! :peace:


Well-Known Member
I use Fox Farm Bloom Mixed with Open Sesame the first month of flowering then i will be going to mix in Beastie Blooms and finally Cha Ching.