Fox Farm Grow.


Active Member
Ive used Fox Farm Ocean Forest in the past and loved it, So this time around I was planning on going all out and using Ocean Forest Soil, Grow Big, and Big Bloom. Anyone ever done it? If so how'd it work out.


I'm using all three right now, and the grow is going really well so far. I don't have much to compare to since this is only my second grow and I stunted the first with several bad decisions. I started out cutting the mixtures in half just because I was paranoid about burning them. But now I'm up to full strength and it's definitely not hurting anything.


Well-Known Member
I been using botanicare for years but recently decided to change things up with a combo of botanicare,ff big bloom,guano,and earth recharge,with great white myco I can't say for certain that the big bloom is the sole reason,but my partner says that the change has increased our yeild by 20%..I can't honestly say he's right cuz I haven't been able to get to the grow site in 2 weeks(holiday fun)...I do remember a few years ago a friend using big bloom on a white widow grow when he ran out of blastoff..a guy at the store reccomended ff big bloom..there was a noticeable difference in crystal production as well as swollen bracts..that I can vouch for for certain..