Fox Farm Open Sesame Beastie Bloomz and Cha Ching or Something else for flowering?

Unlimited One

Active Member
Hello everyone. I started to flower a few of the girls about a week and a half ago, but have not started to give them flowering nutes yet. I only gave them half strength of ff kangaroots, mirobrew, grow big and tiger bloom only. My question is that if I should continue with ff and start to give them the soluble trio ( ff beastie bloomz, cha ching and open sesame) or can I switch flowering nutes, but continue to give them the liquid ff stuff (kanga, micro, grow big, tiger)? I heard Mother Of All Blooms (MOAB) is a good flowering nute, and that it equals the ff trio. Not sure if this is true, (heard from a guy in a hydro store). Or should i just stick with fox farm the whole way through? Looking for experiences, opinions, comments and ideas please guys, greatly appreciated.
I'm wondering the same thing myself. Ive been feeding the basic fox farm trio (big bloom, grow big, and tiger bloom), now the girls are all 2-3 weeks into flower and I'm not sure if they need something else besides the basic trio. I didn't want to spend the money on the fox farm solubles heard they are not worth the money but I would like to give them something similar to help them finish up. Hope someone can help Unlimited and I out who has had experience with the fox farm line.


I experience a bit over fert, but I usually run my normal 3 part nutes with open sesame, beasty blooms, or cha ching

Clown Baby

Well-Known Member
dont waste your money on all three of those PK boosters. Just buy one and you'll be fine.

They're essentially all the same thing with slightly tweaked nitrogen ratios. Just get the one without any nitrogen, and add a little of the "grow big" if you see yellowing. Monopotassium phosphate is the main ingredient in that stuff, and if you compare costs of bulk monopotassium phosphate vs. what you're paying for those 3 little bottles of powder you'll shit yourself. it's really the same stuff, just relabeled.