Fox Farms Light Warrior?


Active Member
Is fox farms Light Warrior acceptable to use for seedlings right out of the bag? I am planning to start seeds in rockwool cubes and then once they are ready transplant the seedlings into cups full of Light Warrior. Does this sound like a decent plan?

After they grow up and start needing nutrients I will transplant them into 50/50 Light Warrior/Ocean Forest mix and feed Fox Farms nutes.

Let me know what you think. I am totally new at this, and I would appreciate any help you can give me. Thank you.


Active Member
the light warrior doesn't have any nutrients.

I just see some people suggesting you use Ocean Forest for your seedlings, some people saying Light Warrior, and others saying a mix of the two. Will Ocean Forest burn my seedlings? What is the best choice?

Just to clarify, I'm gonna germinate the seeds in a paper towel. Then I will place them in rockwool cubes. Once they have grown roots through the cube, I will transplant the cubes into cups full of light warrior. Does that sound okay?


Well-Known Member
there is two ways to use light warrior..its made for your clones/seedling because FFOF tends to run a little hot for some seedlings and clones..

also i use light warrior to fluff up my FFOF 50/50 mix.. this is what it is made for..

call FF and ask if you want.


I have been using a Mix of FF (Happy Frog/ Ocean Forest / Worm Castings) (55/35/10) all the way through from Clone, with very good luck. For some reason the hydro store here doesn't carry the Light Warrior, but I haven't seen the need.
Yes, FFOF could burn your seedlings. I have been using 80% light warrior with 20% FFOF w/o any issues. See link below for the side by side seedling soil comparison I am running thats starting to turn into a journal. Subculture introduction at the seedling stage seems to be the best bet IMO. The two pots where this was done are much more robust, the others are healthy but there is no comparison.
Happy Frog was one of the soil's I used in the Side by Side Comparison. BY FAR the most undeveloped root ball at time of transplant. They were so bad I didn't bother transplanting 2 of 3 seedlings that were sprouted in HF.


Well-Known Member
I never used FFOF too start seedlings. But light warrior will do fine. I have used Happy Frog to start seedlings and have had nothing but success with it.
It is a dense soil though for just using that you would want a long veg then flower. I added perlite and verm to my happy frog for outdoor but I recommend to mix soils up they seem too be too much of something when you buy them and need adjusting. Also last FFOF I bought had fungus gnat eggs but wasn't a big deal and wont happen for everybody just a heads up that it could be going around.


Active Member
Thanks everyone.

I really liked your soil comparison, TelecomJunkee. Looks like 80/20 Light Warrior/Ocean Forest is the way to go.


Active Member
yeah, i'll be starting them in party cups. they will have holes in the bottom for drainage. put straight perlite at the bottom of the cup?

a mongo frog

Well-Known Member
heres the truth, by far the best mix is 1 bag light warrior mixed with a half of bag of sunshine mix #4 large bail. i do 2 bags of light warrior to 1 full bail of sunshine mix #4, but is used for many, many babies. its also a good flowering mix take a look at my pics. u do have to use more nuts though but thats what sets it off. light warrior is a great product the only one from fox farm that id mess with.
Thanks Alex. Yeah the 80/20 is the way to go for me, especially when treated with mycorrhizae prior to planting the germinated seeds. I treated the soil two days prior to planting the seeds. This way the subculture can develop for a couple of days before planting. The one on the right below of both strains had mycorrhizae introduced before I planted the germed seeds. EXPLOSIVE results in my opinion!

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