Fox farms line up vs. Supersoil and water/molasses


Well-Known Member
My first grow I was using the Fox farm line up the three liquid and three dry flowering nutes. I gave them less than recommended because I didn't want to burn or stress the plants anymore than need be. Anyways the plant that did really well yielded me almost 4 ounces which is amazing due to my experience.

I don't think I flushed well enough and it burned a little funned with some crackling. I wanted to try TGA's supersoil with a water and molasses regiment this go around to see if I could up the quality of the smoke.

The plants are looking great and they are getting close to harvest, the yield however is greatly affected I believe by not using nutes. I do not have any very large or dense buds it and they have not bulked up as they did. It seems as I'm going to yield a bit over an ounce per plant.

Do others notice such a dramatic difference between going a more organic route than using tradition nutes like forxfarms?

I'm looking for advice as to Increase my yield organically or also find out when the tradition nutes and which ones are most important to developing larger denser buds. I assume it would be in the 3-5 week of flowering. But are there specific nutes that improve this other than harsh additives like gravity and things of that nature?

What are people personal preferences? I would ideally like to be able to get over two ounces a plant if i can do this with organics great. If i do need to use some fox farm flowering nutes or something else at key times in flowering, which nutes and when?

Any helps and details would be great! A little input about my set up.
Using secret jardin tent
Air cooled 600whps which is lowered and kept within 12-16 inches of canopy
I top all my plants and train to make a soldi canopy at equal hieght.
I house the plants in 5 gallon smart pots.
I try to veg 6-8 weeks