freaking out need help!


Well-Known Member
Ok so today a cabel guy came by the house.. luckly no one was home.. left a note for us to call him asap. wife called him and he said that there is a major disruption coming from our house, and they shut off our internet. well since there internet sucked anyways we decided just to quit usuing them. anyways my wife is freaking out about the digital ballasts.... and i really dont want to go CFL... can i just switch over to magnetic ballasts... or could i even use the digial ballasts again since we canceled the cabel... How far does the frequency of the digital balasts reach out.. and should i be alarmed right now??


Sector 5 Moderator
Don't freak out; there is no way he can know anything, much less prove anything, even if were so inclined.


Well-Known Member
I got you im staying calm.. but what should i do about my ballasts!! i had two 400w MH going on my seedlings, but switched over to my 250w hps (only bulb i have) to hopefully not cause much of a distrubance if any..... i think the problem was i had one of the ballasts plugged into the wall that runs right by a cabel wire.... now the ballasts currently is about 10-15 feet away from the wire.. but yeah so what should i do.. they are in 2 weeks veg so luckly i wasnt flowering but need advice. thanks


Well-Known Member
Alright well anways i just went ahead and ordered two magnetic ballasts instead. hopefully problem solved.


Well-Known Member
I was a cable guy for years....How are you cable lines in your house ? Are they perfect with compression fittings and all installed by the cable company ? Or do they have twist on fittings, and splitters hacked into lines in various places ?

If your lines aren't perfect they are probably leaking signal which they can detect from the road...They want to fix your lines, and stop the leakage....Also, this should fix your internet problems...Time Warner has pretty solid internet...If it's not working properly I would guess it to be from bad/poor wiring....In the old analog days you could do anything with the cable lines - crappy fittings, splitters backwards, etc. and stuff would still work....Not anymore though.


Sector 5 Moderator
Good call on reducing the power for your seedlings; I would never use HPS on seedlings anyway, just a regular T12 shop light or T5's at the most.