Free pot to Medical Patients!!


Well-Known Member
What if there was a medical group that would grow your medicine for you for free? Make sure you have medicine when you need it? Would you be willing to donate time/money/space to help make this possible?


Well-Known Member
it is free if you are "asked" to donate money, it would not be free if you are "required" to donate money, therefore it would be free, because absolutely no donation of money would be required. Any intelligent person would understand that it would not be possible without donations coming from somewhere.... duh!


Well-Known Member
I wouldn't trust them f**ks with my meds. Think someone would grow your shit for free? haha ofcourse they would and they would also take your shit and sell it. NOTHING'S FREE.


Well-Known Member
i would be down.
but i am moving soon and will barely be able to grow personals.
i would donate my time to that cause any day.
we should organize a top secret "fun run" or something.


Well-Known Member
What if you grow it? What if everything is provided to you, and you can grow it yourself, designate a caregiver for it to take care of it, harvest it yourself? I would grow your shit for free, so long as you use it legitimately, could even pick your strain, and the amount you get, so long as YOU don't sell it! I would supervise people growing it for you for free, and make sure they go to prison for stealing it/selling it!


Well-Known Member
I wouldn't trust them f**ks with my meds. Think someone would grow your shit for free? haha ofcourse they would and they would also take your shit and sell it. NOTHING'S FREE.
we grow the charity weed and give it to medical marijuana patients that cant afford their meds.


Well-Known Member
I don't suppose any one else out there has a heart, and would be willing to help those that really need medicine to get it for free? I am talking about people being directly involved! It has happened before in Cali... got busted a few years back, and is now up and running again (I highly doubt the Fed will Ever fuck with them again) without anyone going to prison. Check out the movie "Waiting to Inhale"! WAMM


Well-Known Member
If you are willing to go to a club and "donate" some cash for some meds... its the same thing, just WAY more expensive! If you are willing to go to a doctor and pay for an exam to see if you qualify for a recommendation, its the same thing! If you are willing to grow in your back yard its More risky. If you are willing to grow inside, it is WAY more expensive! You buy the seeds, clones, lights, soils, and all other associated equipment, and at retail prices for the most part!


Well-Known Member
I don't suppose any one else out there has a heart, and would be willing to help those that really need medicine to get it for free? I am talking about people being directly involved! It has happened before in Cali... got busted a few years back, and is now up and running again (I highly doubt the Fed will Ever fuck with them again) without anyone going to prison. Check out the movie "Waiting to Inhale"! WAMM
It would be a really nice group to start. I'm sure there's alot of patients who don't have a clue on growing their meds. So yeah this would be an awesome cause. So it's a good movie?? I have been meaning to check it out.


Well-Known Member
Dispensaries have enough trouble as it is! This would be a safer alternative method. I have a big problem with dispensaries! there would of course be strict guidelines, and a streamline process with all kinds of complicated answers to the many problems and special circumstances presented. Check out my MASSES thread in the Toke N Talk Forum, read the mission statement carefully... its a burrito mate, a burrito!


Well-Known Member
private co-ops, and private med users, state licensed providers (which I really don't know of any). Basically, it is all still going into them illegally! How many people go to jail over them? It creates a negative image for both the medical movement, and regulating the medication for all the people making tons of money, break ins, tax problems etc. Trespassers on private property that are believed to be a threat to the lives/health of those in occupancy of the property can be shot and killed legally! what is more secure than that?


Well-Known Member
Contracts! the backbone of modern day business, would insure that you get what you DON'T pay for! It is a burrito package! Its all being worked out and worked on! Will take time, and more than money or anything else, Support. If enough people say "yeah, lets do this!'', and are patient Then I guarantee this will happen, and get huge!