Free Signed Copy Of Ed Rosenthals New Book

Garden Knowm

The Love Doctor
Hey everyone, check out this video featuring the new Big Book of Buds 3. Watch these big beautiful buds jump right off the screen and potentially into your garden!

You can enter to win a copy of this new book, The Big Book of Buds 3, which will personally be signed by Ed Rosenthal. Post the youtube video to your blog, myspace page, or web page
(embedded or as a link) and email us the link by Nov. 30 to Once we receive your link you will be entered in a raffle for a chance to score your very own signed copy of Ed’s latest , The Big Book of Buds 3!


PLEASE give the video a 5 star rating on YOUTUBE!

Garden Knowm

The Love Doctor

I am switching from paypal to another paying method now.. PAYPAL.. is totally fooked.. I will explain in detail later... BUT they are not safe and should not be used...

I should have my new payment method up in the next couple days.. and I will have a deal for the ENTIRE kit and caboodle..



Well-Known Member
thanx. You may have noticed I have been forced to recommend you book a time or two. Barnes & Nobles has it in Lansing Michigan. They still have the original $50. title with the change noted. Now that I have some background information, I'm starting more research. Thanx again. i love you man. VV

Garden Knowm

The Love Doctor
thanx. You may have noticed I have been forced to recommend you book a time or two. Barnes & Nobles has it in Lansing Michigan. They still have the original $50. title with the change noted. Now that I have some background information, I'm starting more research. Thanx again. i love you man. VV

Thanks for the heads up bro :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
Read one of his book and judge that question for yourself. I could not put it down until I had read it all. Its informative, has picture for every day of the plants lives. I may have to punch holes in the pages and put them in a note book. I have started to take the picture and hold them by my plants to find out what stage of development my plants are in.
Yes, his breadth and depth of knowledge, show very well. VV

Garden Knowm

The Love Doctor
HI I blaze...

The book that is being given away is written by Ed Rosenthal... It is an amazing book... really a "ONE of a KIND" book...



Well-Known Member
Oh, I forgot all about this thread. That's so awesome you're an author, GK. I wanted to be one for a long time. So where can I find one of your books?


Well-Known Member
Here it is, last day of the contest and I still don't know how to link. Have you started any research on LED's. I am going to order some when I get back from vacation. Ryan @ seems to have some that will fit my operation nicely. How is the new project going?? I love you man. VV


Well-Known Member
Oh, I forgot all about this thread. That's so awesome you're an author, GK. I wanted to be one for a long time. So where can I find one of your books?
All it takes is knowledge, a little skill at prose, and a lot of dedication/motivation. I'll be starting on a few manuscripts myself this academic break. But I'm a lazy son of a bitch. If you really want to write, FORCE yourself to write. I'm sure Garden Knowm can attest to the fact that it takes a bit to get over this stumbling block that many potential writers trip over.

GK, out of curiousity, who is your publisher? Or are you self-published? How did the process of publication go for you?



New Member

I am switching from paypal to another paying method now.. PAYPAL.. is totally fooked.. I will explain in detail later... BUT they are not safe and should not be used...

I should have my new payment method up in the next couple days.. and I will have a deal for the ENTIRE kit and caboodle..

Yeah, they freeze accounts and shit. They don't even like pipes or anything to do with cannabis paraphenalia.

Shit is going back underground.

The weed population is rising... emery is the governments answer/counterstrike. Now most are running scared, and paypals dominance on the internet and a lot of top banks withdrawing card processing for seeds, paraphenalia will shove the trade back under ground.

Hard times are ahead, my friends.