Free the Prince Of Pot rallys!


Well-Known Member

CANNABIS CULTURE - Join 'The Worldwide Rally For The Prince of Pot', and show your support for Marc Emery, the marijuana activist who is going to jail in the United States for FIVE YEARS for selling marijuana seeds. Marc is expected to be sentenced in the Seattle Federal Court of Ricardo Martinez on Monday, September 21, and the plea agreement is for a 5 year sentence. Our rallies in support of Marc will be on Saturday, September 19.
Join the Facebook Page
Marc Emery is a marijuana activist, Vancouver store owner, and editor of Cannabis Culture Magazine who was raided by the DEA in 2005 and arrested for selling marijuana seeds over the Internet. After fighting extradition to the United States for four years, Marc has been forced to cut a deal that will likely see him in an American prison for five years. Once the deal is made, Marc will be sentenced sometime in October.
Marc Emery, Cannabis Culture and are calling for worldwide protests on the SATURDAY prior to the day of Marc's sentencing, to be announced. We hope to enlist the help of volunteers and planners around that will coordinate demonstrations in cities around the globe.
In Canada, Marc would like his supporters from every community in the country to hold a rally at their local Government of Canada building. The government of Canada is responsible for the marijuana prohibition as well as signing off on Marc's extradition. We are hoping for organizers to come forward to host major rallies in support of Marc at US consulates in Vancouver, Calgary, Toronto, Montreal, Halifax, and the US Embassy in Ottawa.
In the United States, we hope for a rally in all 50 States in as many cities and towns at main courthouses, DEA offices, Justice Dept. offices, or a main intersections for maximum visibility to your community.
Across the globe, we hope for a rally in every country we can find a supporter to lead a rally, wherever on the earth they may be, at Canadian embassies or consulates, courthouses, or main intersections.
Those interested can help by planning a rally and organizing with others in their community. Please contact Cannabis Culture (604-689-0590) or Marc directly ( if you would like to be a leader of a rally Marc Emery's name, or help with such a rally in your community, or would attend or make signs.
Its easy to do. Pick the place for the rally first. The main courthouse in town is a good place. A busy intersection where you will be seen, or on the sidewalk by any US or Canadian embassy or consulate or a federal building on a main avenue are excellent rally sites. You don't need any permits. Posters & signs should be prepared and the rally should start at 2.00 pm and go to 5 pm. Chants should be developed; like "No Jail For Pot" and "Stop The violence, End prohibition" and "Register to vote, Win the Right To Toke" and, well, you'll think of many, they are fun. But practice them before hand.
Make your signs legible and clear, check spelling beforehand. People walking with signs while chanting slogans of cannabis liberation is fine for the whole 2 or 3 hours, but you can add speakers every 20 minutes or so to change it up. Campaigning for Ron Paul in 2007, I learned that a sign saying "Google Ron Paul" was very effective in drawing passers-by attention to his videos or philosophy. A sign at each rally saying "Google Marc Emery and his work for freedom" or something like that will be helpful in expanding awareness.
Over 40 demonstrations were held around the world on September 10, 2005 to protest Marc's arrest for extradition to the United States, including Moscow, Prague, Wellington, Sydney, Mexico City, Paris, London.

Everyone join the facebook group as well.

Mr.Therapy Man

Well-Known Member
I love Marc Emery I've subscribed to CC for years as a matter of fact I have one of the first issues with Renee Boje on the cover. Love his mag and love him but he has been flaunting emery direct seed sales. Just begging them to come after him. Now they've found several people who bought seeds to testify against him. Looks pretty grim. I hate to see him extradicted to the U.S. for selling seeds on Canadian soil and mailing them over an imaginary line.


Well-Known Member
I love Marc Emery I've subscribed to CC for years as a matter of fact I have one of the first issues with Renee Boje on the cover. Love his mag and love him but he has been flaunting emery direct seed sales. Just begging them to come after him. Now they've found several people who bought seeds to testify against him. Looks pretty grim. I hate to see him extradicted to the U.S. for selling seeds on Canadian soil and mailing them over an imaginary line.
Yeah I hear ya man, I hate that we would let him be prosecuted in the US but it doesn't really surprise me. The American government and agencies have just as much say about our drug policies as our own people and government. There's a reason there's a DEA agency in Vancouver and Toronto, why we were pressured from America to not open the first needle exchange in north America, and ultimately why Marc is going to an American jail instead of paying a fine up here, All our government wanted was him to pay all his taxes and they knew he was selling seeds. It just pisses me off that this is Canada, it's not America, this is our sovereign country and we can make our own decisions.

Pot will never be legal here until we get the conservatives out of office, and elect a government who is in it for all the people and just not for the rich.


Well-Known Member
This is great and all but you do know it won't make 1 bit of a difference right?
It's also about showing Marc that we support him, since hes going to an AMERICAN federal prison.

You think we shouldn't protest to our government, and to raise awareness to other citizens about what is going on here.


Well-Known Member
No as I said I do think it's great, just won't change anything sentence or policy wise is what I meant.


Well-Known Member
No as I said I do think it's great, just won't change anything sentence or policy wise is what I meant.
one thing is for sure, you will never make a bit of difference sitting at home looking at a damn computer screen, typing your negative bullshit like anyone actually cares what you have to say.

why dont you get your lazy ass off the fuckin couch and do something? quit your damn defeatest attitude and make a difference


Well-Known Member
one thing is for sure, you will never make a bit of difference sitting at home looking at a damn computer screen, typing your negative bullshit like anyone actually cares what you have to say.

why dont you get your lazy ass off the fuckin couch and do something? quit your damn defeatest attitude and make a difference
Don't be an asshole. It's not about any damn defeatest attitude it's called being realistic. Nothing can be done about his sentence period, no matter what.

If you want to waste your time that's one thing, but to get on here and act like a holier than thou judgemental duchebag is entirely another.


1st of all it is not wasting time.

These rallies WILL do something.

Public awareness is #1. These rallies are going to bring Marcs case to every newspaper in Canada, outlining all of his points on marijuana and how injust the drug war really is. How many people read the paper now and read about pot laws? Hell, I bet most people havn't even heard of Bill C-15 and that is the singular law that wil ruin the country. And it's getting passed right under everyones nose. When Marc goes to prison, everyone reads about these rallies across North America to bring him back. They get interested and voice their own opinion. Whether we can change the sentence or not, Marc is coming back to Canada.


Well-Known Member
Don't be an asshole. It's not about any damn defeatest attitude it's called being realistic. Nothing can be done about his sentence period, no matter what.

If you want to waste your time that's one thing, but to get on here and act like a holier than thou judgemental duchebag is entirely another.
get a fucking life.
it is a defeatest attitude. look it up
and telling me not to be an asshole is kinda hypocritical isnt it?:clap:
Don't be an asshole. It's not about any damn defeatest attitude it's called being realistic. Nothing can be done about his sentence period, no matter what.

If you want to waste your time that's one thing, but to get on here and act like a holier than thou judgemental duchebag is entirely another.
Typical stoner.

What type of douche defends his position of "protesting is a waste of time" on a MJ site when Mark Emery, one of the leading MJ activists, is going to jail?
Sorry for the leading question.

Why would you speak out against protests to benefit Mark Emery's situation?

Just because you dont feel the need to do anything is not a good reason to try and deter others.

whats fonzi?


Well-Known Member
No as I said I do think it's great, just won't change anything sentence or policy wise is what I meant.
Negative Nancy!


PS; Oregon...for telling people it's a waste of seem like quite the forum troll...isn't that a waste of time?