Freedom Hosting Founder Arrested!!!


Active Member
I posted this in Toke'n'Talk but I thought I would post it here because I know alot of you guys in this section use SR which is associated with TOR and the deep web. Most of you prob already know but...

Hey guys, for anyone that browses the deep web or uses Tor they have prob already heard. The founder was arrested in a sting by the FBI into the distribution of child pornography which is in abundance on the deep web. Freedom Hosing is basically a no questions asked hosting site where people can raise hidden websites which included alot of child porn. He would have had to have known that it was going on on his servers so I think he is in some deep shit regarding his turning of the blind eye...This is the biggest online pornography takedown.

Also, along with the arrest heaps of .onion sites have been compromised including TORmail, which is now in the hands of the FBI and anyone that uses TORmail without a pgp key, consider your emails being sifted through by the feds...I had a tormail account but nothing incriminating linked to it!

One more thing which im not to sure on how it all work but apparently the FBI put a JS script on the webpages which if you had javascript enabled would log a cookie on your PC or something which in turn would phone home and basically send your IP address to them...Pretty scary shit if you have been browsing the deep web and not known what you were doing! Alot of pedo's gonna be shittin themselves right about now and many a door gun be kicked in Good Ridance but still a shame when it comes to the freedom of the internet...

Is SR next after child porn???


Well-Known Member
Fuck a child give up s.r. to know a child wasn't touched.finally the feds did something good...


Active Member
Fuck a child give up s.r. to know a child wasn't touched.finally the feds did something good...
I totally agree...I would watch SR burn if tghat meant there was going to be 1 less abused child in the world. I cant wait to see how this all pans out, more so regarding the people searching and uploading the CP, not the FH founder who hosted the sites...


Active Member
I am going to say this, fuck those that don't agree with me or feel the need to make it known in writing. Child pornography is unacceptable, its out there. its distributed and recreated in drawings and the like. Does it mean anyone is breaking the law? (Drawings etc) No. In fact its probably the best thing that ever happened. Myself i have dabbled a bit by having a small time fad (from 14-16 years old) of what some would consider child pornagraphy. Was i ever a threat? No, would i ever harm a innocent person, regardless of age? No.
I was one of those people that thought wrong is right, as far as sexual activity went. the worse it was the more perverted it was the more sexually engaging it was. I never, EVER thought about hurting anyone especially children. my Perversion was the more wrong it was the better, however i have since grown out of it and have a beautiful wife whom have given me a young man i will defend with every second my heart beats. Its all how you encounter life.


Well-Known Member
Iv only been on hidden wiki 1 time to check out SR, but my curiosity got the best if me and I clicked on a link for assassinations, apparently you just wire 10 bitcoins to some guy and hell contact u to get the information on the target within a week, scary shit...I dont even want to imagine what other ungodly things are in the deepweb


Active Member
when i say the best thing that ever happened, i refer to drawn examples commonly labled as lolicon or the like. since it does not exploit anyone and there are no victims.


Active Member
Iv only been on hidden wiki 1 time to check out SR, but my curiosity got the best if me and I clicked on a link for assassinations, apparently you just wire 10 bitcoins to some guy and hell contact u to get the information on the target within a week, scary shit...I dont even want to imagine what other ungodly things are in the deepweb
Wait till you get paranoid enough to browse reddit and read the articles on the NSA and what they are doing.


Active Member
Wait till you get paranoid enough to feel safe inside your house with 400kg of explosives.

(for those tools that take shit too seriously, this does not mean i have 400kg of explosives in my house)
Your all over this topic like bread and butter. Both threads......Got me thinking :?!


Well-Known Member
Also, along with the arrest heaps of .onion sites have been compromised including TORmail, which is now in the hands of the FBI and anyone that uses TORmail without a pgp key, consider your emails being sifted through by the feds.
LOL at people who thought they didn't need to learn PGP with TOR..


Active Member
Your all over this topic like bread and butter. Both threads......Got me thinking :?!
dude, i would ask you remove that quote. i no longer feel safe expressing myself especially with a weight and explosives mentioned in one paragraph. it was a dumb move and one i do not want to have to explain. especially since i can literally be waterboarded after being extradited from canada (they have done it with marc emery).


Well-Known Member one gives a fuck about you having an experimental stage from 14-16...see motherfuckers like you who only think. Of theirselves are scum..u didn't hurt nobody? So how the little boy that had his photo feel about that statement..victimless crime is what you think're a fucking piece of corn in exact one knows why you're there,and its creepy..and we all hope you get flushed and never seen again..may you burn in acid infused salt you scumbag son of a whore.


Active Member
English would be a good way to start a conversation rory, the most i can get out of your incoherient jibberish is you disapprove of what i said. for reference i was referring to drawings, not photos. It is disheartening to listen to tools spew bullshit they read/heard from other sources. good try, but you have nothing to bring to this conversation. so just leave. also, if your kids like TMNT they are most likely in their 30's at this point and i would suggest you and your wife abstain from alcohol while having children.


Well-Known Member
Drawings etc..don't try to excuse admit to looking at child porn..and try to defend (in your head) a 'grey area' kids are 3 and 4 and since you're to busy jerking off to little boys you might not know there is a new computer animated n.m.n.t. on's english for you...I said what I had to say based on evidence of your own slander my family in defense of your vile actions based on no knowledge of me....three times now in this thread you have embarrassed yourself...I'm done talking to your obscene self and sorry if you even thought id lower my standards so you could in your feeble mind raise yours. I may have slipped down a notch in society just even taliking to you.


Well-Known Member
O.p..sorry for hijacking but douchee mc.gee got under my skin...I hope fucktards like long throat there won't ruin the little bit of freedom the 'deepweb' climb a mountain to see a child abuser get lit up..and if that shit will creep into silk road I WILL NOT use it.and hope others with any I.q. bigger than a road kill skunk would follow...


Active Member
You stated my point, then missed it completely. As i said before you lack the mental capacity to even comprehend what i said. you are dead set in your own personal opinions its pointless to argue it anymore. I was honestly hoping to have an intelligent conversation with you but that is an figure of imagination at this point. i enjoy how you fail to acknowledge the age period i admitted this happening in combined with your own self defense its a screaming example of poor education. Please leave this forum as it does not need or want your unintelligent rabble. Thank you for your thoughts. good bye


Well-Known Member
I understand completely...your post says it all...I find pedophilic behavior idiotic and disgusting..correct..and yes,you admitted to it,and challenged my knowledge of the english language...we'll 'sir',I am not one to converse with idiots,or beings of an unsavory character so I at this point feel our conversations is this for english...create a vaccume through a tube,insert into escretement,and inhale deeply(looks like the feces is about to hit the osccilating rotor)....goodnight you papal prodigy...


Active Member
before you post again, i want to just say. Enough. i don't care anymore. i came out with a truth on my part. you tore me apart for it and i don't care to read anymore about it. regardless of its context. And i would applaud you beating the ever living shit out of a pedophile and would expect it form any human being that draws breath. You have two young kids, i can under stand your conviction and i don't want to argue this anymore since it obviously means more to you than to me. I wish you the best of luck in the future and safe journeys.