fresh air VS temp


Active Member
what is most imporant fresh air or temp which is most imporant to get the best buds. my grow is always around 80 i know it is hot but i want to know if this will effect my buds more then fresh air


Well-Known Member
if u have tons of air circulation u can run a higher temp... 80 should be fine. above 85 is where u should start worrying if ur not running co2. alot of circulation can make up for high temps, but fresh air is def your friend.


Well-Known Member
what is most imporant fresh air or temp which is most imporant to get the best buds. my grow is always around 80 i know it is hot but i want to know if this will effect my buds more then fresh air
temps are more important to control if you dont have a steady supply of fresh air.. it is possible to grow in warm temps with success as long as you either have a steady supply of fresh outside air, or good ventilation inside the grow room with co2 enrichment...

fresh air supplies an infinite amount of co2.. which is the biggest plus of having it in your grow room..

if you cant keep fresh air coming in on a steady basis, the next best thing is plenty of air exchange and movement.. if you can keep the warm air in your grow room exhausting out and keep new air coming in (be it passively or actively), and keep the air within your grow room moving, you can also run warmer temps with little affect on the plants..

co2 enrichment is good if you cant have fresh air coming in, but can keep temps minimized while you enrich.. if you have your exhaust fan on while you are using co2, it just gets exhausted out too.. so if you use co2, make sure you can control the heat for the time that you are spraying the co2...

basically as long as you are moving air constantly, and have good ventilation, warmer temps should not affect you too much... obviously they will affect your plant some.. but it will be minimal... if you can get fresh air coming in tho, warmer temps will affect you even less, if any at all... fresh air is always best in the end if you can use it.. but good ventilation is the next best thing...