Friend got ripped off, should he make a report


Well-Known Member
Michigan here.
My friend, and yes, it is my friend, not me, met someone on a weed group on Facebook. They made an arrangement for a pound of weed. The guy showed up and said he has to show it to his friend to see if he wants it. My friend, for whatever reason, agreed to wait in the parking lot. The guy disappeared and even sent him a text saying he stole the weed mocking him.
I know it's kinda a dumb question, but should he file a police report? The city is lansing and they are a pot friendly college town. I just wonder if the police would arrest my friend too.
Well don't think he can get in trouble if he calls the cops the guy who has the weed is going to jail but cop probably just laugh and hang up but can't arrest you if you don't got nothing
Most people find every reason possible to call the cops.
I find every reason possible not to call the cops.
Once cops get involved, they fuck up way more things than assist with getting issues solved.
Handle your own shit, cops are not your friends, are under no obligation to help you and only really care about themselves.
Let's call the cops and confess to committing a felony that can get me sent to prison. I don't even live in Michigan and even I know that you can't sell pounds of weed. You have to be licensed by the state and pay taxes on anything you sell. You're not even supposed to be in possession of that much cannabis.

Selling cannabis in Michigan is illegal unless you're a licensed grower or dispensary.

Sale or Distribution
An adult may transfer up to 2.5 ounces of marijuana to another adult as long as there is no remuneration and the transfer is not advertised or promoted to the public. Distribution of less than 5 ounces without remuneration is a civil infraction with no incarceration possible and a maximum $500 fine.

The sale of less than 5 kilograms is a felony punishable by a maximum sentence of 4 years imprisonment and a maximum fine of $20,000.

Yeah, go ahead and call the cops to inform them that your friend gotted ripped of while committing the felony offense of selling a pound of weed. Pot friendly town or not your friend committed a felony trying to sell a pound of weed. The thief is only guilty of a misdemeanor for being in possession of that much weed with a penalty of just a $500 fine and no jail time.

The marijuana laws for Michigan are available online. They're spelled out quite clearly. Calling the cops would be like a bank robber calling the cops and telling them they got mugged for the money they stole from the bank and want to file a report.
Michigan here.
My friend, and yes, it is my friend, not me, met someone on a weed group on Facebook. They made an arrangement for a pound of weed. The guy showed up and said he has to show it to his friend to see if he wants it. My friend, for whatever reason, agreed to wait in the parking lot. The guy disappeared and even sent him a text saying he stole the weed mocking him.
I know it's kinda a dumb question, but should he file a police report? The city is lansing and they are a pot friendly college town. I just wonder if the police would arrest my friend too.

I think this is the universe letting your friend know he's too stupid to be doing this.