Frisian Dew aka Purple Star


Well-Known Member
im just wondering if any1 has grown frisian dew aka purple star indoors ?
the story goes i cot a cutting of this plant
put it in the grow room and all was wel


Well-Known Member
sorry as i was saying . . .
put them i all good
but then i noticed the leaves started 2 curl up
i thought that maybe they just need 2 adjust 2 the heat
but even the new growth its curling now and the plants real skinny
i have came 2 find out that this is an outdoor plant
and im wondering if this is the reason why ? ? ?
has any1 grown it indoors and will it b ok ?
i have other plants in the same room and they r fine
and i have air con so the temp never goes above 80 or below 74
i will and some pics later
cheers guys


sorry man, no clue wish i could help you like these guys here help me. try in the advanced section they tend to know a good deal. you posted in the right spot just dont know that info myself.


Well-Known Member
yeah just make sure its in a real big pot shoot for a 10gal container u wont b let down at all


Well-Known Member
My buddy grew Frisian Dew outdoor in Ireland this year and even with our generally crap weather he got a serious yield and a dank beautiful smoke, id love to know what an indoor grow with it would be like..
I second getting a big ass pot/container. Go big or go home with this purple beauty