From Closet to box - 1st grow


Wow, I just typed my whole thing out and it cleared itself, fantastic. Here we go again.

My supplies:
1x 100w CFL 5500k on clamp shop light
2x 75w 6500k CFL
2x 100w 2700l CFL
4x 45w Full Spectrum CFL
2x Lasko 3speed fan
1x $6 Target Desk Fan
Fox Farms Oceans pottinig soil (thats blue bag)
Fox Farms Happy Frog (just came in)

First timer, looking for insight on growing, ready to learn as much as I can. I do not know a lot, but maybe enough to start. My first grow was looking to be a joke so I figure I can give it another whirl with more stuff. I acquired some seeds in a decent smoke and figure I would try and start them, and well, they started. They sprouted, and im on day 10 for one of my plants. I also have 3 seeds I am hoping to get going, some indian haze i believe it is. Pretty enthused.

Anyhow, what I have now is really simple. I have my 100w and the 2 65w cfl's on 24/0 over my plant(s). My desk fan is blowing air directly on to them, in attempts to keep a nice healthy stalk. I also have a 2nd fan moving air out when the closet door is open, and circulating more air when it is shut. Generally we are sitting between 77-82 degrees with a humidity ~20 (I'm not sure how I should feel about that...). The plants/sprouts are in the FFO potting soil, so far so good it seems..

As far as the box goes, I found a chest of drawers out in the middle of the desert, all beat to shit and figured I would fix it up for some use. I didn't see this coming into play, but I am pretty excited for it. I knocked out the drawers, the frame inside, sanded the whole thing down, stained it, and it looks so much better. I have cut three holes in the back along the top, for the wires of 3 seperate power strips i will have attached to the top of the box. Each will be holding 2, maybe 3 bulbs a piece for more efficient lighting. When I get my board for the floor of it (should be going after this post), I will have my 4' shop light seated in the back, again providing more light. After I install the floor piece, I will attach an emergency blanket, and will apply another blanket to both sides. I have daylight bulbs, plant and aquarium and another as well, i believe kitchen and bath bulbs. I still need to cut some holes for the ventilation to move air in and out, as well as put on the front door. I am very excited for this free piece. Should serve well.

I would really like some advice on how I should set up all the bulbs in the box.

Feedback? Suggestions? Anything?

(I hope this makes sense...)



And I guess I have an update for y'all. I have been reading a bunch more about germing some of my better seeds, and am attempting the shot-glass method 4 of my haze seeds. 1 of them already has sprouted, thought I am a little concerned by its appearance already, maybe im just tripping for nothing. Will try and snap some shots for it. I moved my babies into the box just the other day, still have not attached the door, but I stand it up against the front for now, and im sitting a steady 81*. (I understand I will have to get a seal on it but we will cross that bridge once we get to it.) Umm, yeah but here we are.

I have the one baby that came from a pretty decent smoke that is about 15days since sprout, looking pretty ok (i think...). Time for some pics.



So the camera is dead, no pics atm. I have reduced my number of subjects to just 3. 1 hasn't grown well from the start, 1 is going quite quickly and 1 is currently having issues (lots of droopage and very brittle). I am running only 3 clamp lights over them. I seemed to have had too many lights, and it was way too hot in there.

Not much else happening I suppose.


Been a bit, unfortunately the 2 jobs and volunteering are kicking my butt..

Anyways, seems to me one of my plants went down in flames...figuratively of course. Not entirely sure where I went wrong, maybe Nutes too soil may have been too dry. The thing is essentially nothing more than a noisy leaf. For shame...

On the other hand, one is only 2 weeks in, and is in a ~gal. bucket looking healthy aside from the yellowing on the bottom two leaves; looks almost like an autumn leaf. Otherwise, it's looking pretty good.

Gotta learn somehow i guess.