From Daisy to.... ?


So, I have a Daisy Cloner, and this is my first time using it or cloning at all for that matter.

I am trying to figure out what type of system to build for my vegging and flowering from now on.

The Daisy is essentially a small aeroponics system with the little tiny sprinkler inside it, and the clones are in small net pots just hanging there from the neoprene collars.

So do I have to stay with aero since I didn't start them in rockwool? Or can I remove them when the roots get longer and put them in rockwool? Or can I do DWC with just bigger netpots and neoprene collars?

It just seems to me that once roots are growing, it would damage them to push them down into rockwool.

My plants that I got from my brother are 6 days into flower and I took clones off of them and after those go into whatever system I build for veg, then I am starting from seeds because I wanted some different strains. I'm super excited for those to get here from Attitude because I ordered stuff that is more my style. SO I am just wondering where to go from here because the clones are starting to get little tiny roots.



Nobody? I would really appreciate some suggestions :)

I am just starting to get root sprouts so I really need to know if I can transplant them to rockwool and start using a DWC system.
