Hey yesum, I am currently growing Fruit Auto and today I am exactly 30 days in from the day the seed popped. I am growing in DWC buckets with a 250w HPS. Looking over my notes, Fruit started to show its first signs of pre-flowering on Oct 18, which was 18 days after I put into my DWC system and 23 days after the seed popped. Today is the 30th day from seed on my plant and it is a little over 12" tall and is starting to stretch now. All the nodes have been growing pretty close together until two most recent ones and my plant is pretty bushy.
I can see this finishing up in 30-40 days pretty easily. I have my grow with pics posted in this forum and plan to update it tonight so you can see exactly where I am with it. Like Villa wrote above, based on how it is growing, I suspect I will have one large cola with some small buds on the side.
If I can offer a suggestion, plants, even autos, do need some dark period. Try going 20/4 or 18/6 to see if that makes a difference. Mine has been 18/6 throughout and I swear every morning when I go to turn on the lights, I feel like my plants have thanked me for the 6 hours of dark. I am no expert by any means, but this has been my experience.