Fruits/Veg/Herbs NOT to grow if you grow indoor Cannabis??


Well-Known Member
Hey guys, so a buddy and I were chatting about this topic, and I thought I'd throw an ask here to see what other canna growers think about this?

He was saying things like strawberries and grapes are super-prone to botrytis, and if these are grown near your home then your chances of bringing that indoors is increased by these plants just simply being around.

I'm curious if there's any other garden herbs, veggies etc, that maybe you refuse to grow because they're "risky" to even have in the vicinity of an indoor grow?? The internet info almost always brings me to lists of flowers, but what about actual foodstuffs?

Thanks for any info!
Yeah that's a great point, I stopped opening the window of the lung room and even tacked a couple beach towels over the blinds. Blacks the room out nicely.
Same here. I dont open my lung room window lol, I blacked that out as well with a piece of plywood.
I do have a 6" inline pulling air into my grow that i could put a mushroom filter on, but so far i havent had any problems so I haven't bothered.
Nice post. I was going to reserve a 2x2 or 3x1.6 for some herbs, baby spinach or three, a dwarf chilli plant and possibly some alpine strawberries.

I had also recently heard strawberries were a magnet for rot though. Would be interesting if there was some obvious choices that could be detrimental.

Anything that goes in the room will be germinated in here as well so i should be okay pest wise unless I chose something super prone to attracting pests..
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I recall my dad brought a basil plant into his mother-plant space and got hit with PM, bad enough he had to clear out the whole room.

I've never had noticeable issues with basil or tomatoes, but i swear my squash and pumpkins always get shit tons of aphids and PM on the stems and leaves.
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I dont worry about that.. ive got grapes and hops and all kinds of veggies and never worry about bringing anything into the indoor grow.. i know enough not to walk into my grow with possible contam's on me.. for me i worry more about the little fuckers like spider mites more then anything else
I grow strawberries, cucumbers, pumpkins, squash, roses, and many other plants that are prone to mold or PM. I keep the outside in check spraying potassium silicate on all the plants outdoors weekly. In the 5-6 years since I started back up growing I haven't had a single issue. Well one issue. I found a cluster of aphids on one leaf a couple years ago in the flower tent. I cut off the leaf and flushed it down the toilet. Nothing since. I'm not going to stop growing strawberries or cucumbers out of fear of mold or PM.
Hey guys, so a buddy and I were chatting about this topic, and I thought I'd throw an ask here to see what other canna growers think about this?

He was saying things like strawberries and grapes are super-prone to botrytis, and if these are grown near your home then your chances of bringing that indoors is increased by these plants just simply being around.

I'm curious if there's any other garden herbs, veggies etc, that maybe you refuse to grow because they're "risky" to even have in the vicinity of an indoor grow?? The internet info almost always brings me to lists of flowers, but what about actual foodstuffs?

Thanks for any info!
Not veggies, but be careful with roses. Aphids love roses.
I have all of those “risky” plants in my backyard. My grow is In my garage within 5FT of my veggies and I’m not worried about it. I love my plant diversity.

you can kill your garden. Lay Concrete over your whole yard. You will still have spores in the air. Spores travel for miles. We try remove PM when we see it but it’s just a part of the cycle of life. Keep your plants happy and use common sense.
A normal mold spore count in a room is typically 200-500 spores. Anywhere between 1-1500 mold spores in a room is normal and safe as long as mold colonies are not visibly growing and no water damage is present. Mold spores are present in virtually every room of every building.
A lot of strawberry and grape growers are experimenting with salicylic acid as a pre and post harvest botrytis preventive measure. Here is one study that is interesting because they use acetyl salicylic acid and get the same results as with salicylic acid
They say that 1 mM is the best concentration, and that works out to about 138 mg/liter. That's 552 mg aspirin per gallon, which is a bit more than the 325 mg (1 aspirin) dose that I usually use per gallon. I might try that on a test plant.

I think Pumpkins are the #1 riskiest plant to keep around. 100% guaranteed PM when they get old.
Always. I figure I'm pulling pm and other nasties ( off from weeds and native plants outdoors) thru my open house windows, just more reasons to bulletproof the grow space. Meaning more airflow.

But cucumbers and squash are notorious for pm ime
This is literally the reason why I added a hepa filter box on my intake. My entire property is covered in PM, lawn and all. It's an IPM minefield getting to my front door lol.
I find gourds, melons, straw berries, sunflowers and peonies to be PM and moth magnets outside. Inside my orchids generate fungus gnats. I'm lucky to have hard freezes here. I only grow indoors after December. I also grow plenty outdoors to carry me through winters.
I've found weekly foliar applications of potassium silicate have been effective at preventing powdery mildew in my yard and garden. There are numerous scientific studies that show it's effectiveness. There are also numerous potassium silicate based commercial products specifically for control and prevention of PM, botrytis, and other molds.
This is literally the reason why I added a hepa filter box on my intake. My entire property is covered in PM, lawn and all. It's an IPM minefield getting to my front door lol.

I've never even seen PM in person. Never bought pesticides or pre-made fertilizer either. Coincidence? Probably not.

It's funny how man pot growers are into bohemian Grove Alex Jones bullshit but completely trust that's the chemical companies have your best interest on mind.