Frustrated with AZDHS


Active Member
So my mmj Dr. sent in my electronic application on friday and today I received an email from AZDHS that my application needs to be corrected because my submitted date of birth is not the same as my dob on my AZ ID. It is obviously a typo because it's only off by a couple of days. So I follow the procedure and get into their online system and submit the correction. Then it shows what my corrected info is, and it still lists the wrong dob! So I click on the "contact us" link and it lists several phone numbers, but none of the seem to reference the azmmj program. Nor does there seem to be an email address to write them about my issue.I'm trying to jump through their hoops, but it seems that the system is set-up to make it as hard as possible to renew my card! I didn't have this much trouble the first time around!
Even "Bubbles" looks frustrated!
Any suggestions? Thanx!
Just call the main number and ask for the MMJ dept. I find if you are polite but very direct, they seem to work with you.
I used the LiveChat feature and this morning they sent me email saying I'm approved!
BTW, I had checked-off the request to cultivate and they didn't say anything about that,
so I assume I'm also approved to cultivate! Thanks everybody for Your help! :hump:
email - (Remember this email address folks)

Be sure to include your application number and the corrected info for the deficiency!

Example Email to AzDHS:

SUBJECT - N.O.D. Application azqp55555555555

To whom it may concern,

I, NAME, have provided the required info to satify the Notice of Deficiency.

Patient/Caregiver Application - azqp55555555555
Full Name - Joe Blow
Address - 1234 East Mystery Lane Phoenix, Az. 85555
DOB - 00-00-00

Please correct my application with the corrected info below -

DOB - 00-00-00


That simple... This applys to all N.O.D. (Notice Of Deficiency)
ADHS! Oy....don't get me started.
I'm glad you got it worked out finally.
The wheels of govt run slow more often than not.