Fuck all knowledge on how to use nutrients


New Member
So I been referred to the Home and garden brand soil base nutrients A&B. Decent price and does the trick so I've been told, but I have all different kinds of info coming from everywhere, getting a little overwhelming. I just need to know how to put them to use properly when the time comes, my plants have just sprouted in soil so I shouldn't need to use them for a month or two I think. So does anyone have any knowledge of this specific brand? And tips on how I should use them?


Well-Known Member
With any nute brand a basic guideline
Aim for a 2-1-3 ratio or so
When feeding start with 1/4 strength and work your way up
Listen to how other growers use this nutrient and use that as a guideline. The rule of thumb with soil is each gallon will last a week for nutrients on a vigorous growing plant