Fuck the bickering!!!!!

I didn't use commercially prepared charcoal...."made" my own.
Scavenged enough, from the ashes of my woodstove, to put a pound of so of, more or less, pulverized charcoal per planting site.
I didn't use commercially prepared charcoal...."made" my own.
Scavenged enough, from the ashes of my woodstove, to put a pound of so of, more or less, pulverized charcoal per planting site.

That's awesome! I have a source that does the same thing but you can use cowboy charcoal, royal oak, etc. I can't be burning too much where I live. My heads been into vermicompost lately and indigenous microbes/soil sample collecting. Free bennies? I'm well pretty versed in the lab bacteria department (like the shit form the grow store that's imported from over seas) and with this experience I have moved on to better things imo.

Keep it green and tasty? Do you think hydro weed tastes different? How and why? Instead of listening to some of these geniuses, maybe research and experiment yourself. The fact remains that using any nutrients organic or not will leave toxins in your weed. Outdoor weed that grows naturally has issues with heavy metals leeching from the soil. Flavor and taste has little to do with what type of nutrients are used and to what extent. Properly feeding and flushing them is the ONLY way to have them taste good. Curing will only take it to the next level. Have your weed tested for yourself, its easy and cheap and you will know for sure what is correct Good Luck
I'm gonna have to agree with lots of what you say, but I disagree with you on one point... I have fed organic nutes up until harvest a few different times and never noticed any negative effects on taste. I ran an organic bed with a perpetual timing so it was difficult to plan flushes out around feedings on the other plants, so I just said fuck it and made sure not to use any questionable ingredients. The stuff coming out of the beds was some of the tastiest stuff I grew too.

The nutes I was using had no added salts, the only salts I had from that run were coming from the tap water. So yes, flushing is necessary if you use salt based fertilizers but in organic environments and in the nature, flushing is not a natural occurrence imho.



These are the pics from my latest grow. A few Fruity pebble ogs, some White Fires, and some purple bubba.

Not anything super but its been a but since i posted any pics haha.


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just started flowering big plants on the right are biker kush clones
little plants are fire alien kush and happy brother seeds plants



a few shots from my garden...

Drizella Driz.jpg

one of the volunteers vol2.jpg

GreatNorthern [StrawberryCough X JockHorror] GN hem.jpg and a bull of the same parentage GN Bull.jpg