Fuckin nosey neighbours


Active Member
Hi all i dont know what to do.i have a 1.2m tent with 3 baby girls in soil under 400watt.im 4 weeks into flower.One problem its set up in the Garage out the back and here goes i think i have been getting watched when ive been going out to water and check up on them.its the neighbour at the back of me:wall: not happy.what do you think i should do .i was thinking just shoot the cunt.or move them inside and the tent...and to all them neighbours out there that just cant keep to them selve,s:finger:


Well-Known Member
moving is a pain in the fuckin arse and can u be certain the cunt wont c u doing it? what about shooting him, shallow grave and a lot of seeds, it'd make for some good nutes for an outdoor grow. i would definetly bring the tent in, i keep mine in the house. well not my own house, i'm not that dumb!! the problem is that if ur gettin watched and if ur gaunna get busted it dont matter a shit if its in the hut or house buddy. best of luck and tell us what u decide.


Well-Known Member
lets get back to reality a minute. You are worried that a neighbour is watching you go into your own garage? Are you carrying really large bottles of nutes with weed feed written on them in luminous writing? Im guessing not, so dont worry. You can go into your own garage every now and again cant you...paranoia isnt always healthy.


Active Member
lets get back to reality a minute. You are worried that a neighbour is watching you go into your own garage? Are you carrying really large bottles of nutes with weed feed written on them in luminous writing? Im guessing not, so dont worry. You can go into your own garage every now and again cant you...paranoia isnt always healthy.
Thanks for reply all.no dont carry bottles of water out.i do it the stelth way i put all the water i need in the boot of the car after filling up at mother inlaws place and drive the car into the garage.its when i go through side door which i have to.no roller door with remote on front.misses said its paranoia to but i just dont know.:wall:


Well-Known Member
haha you said boot

its a trunk!:wall:

you might want to try a novel approach, tho... like acting normal.
nothing stands out more than someone that is trying to hide something. if it was me, i would go about my business like normal, like nothing was going on... it might be the fact that your obviously trying to hide something that draws your neighbors attention.


Well-Known Member
take a large stack of porn magazines and some wet wipes and act obviously suspicious, go in and start making moaning noises and slapping the side of the garage and then go back out breathing heavily and pulling ur zip up.


Active Member
4 weeks into flower? i would relax and let them finish. - how often do u honestly need to be out there? and it is your garage. As long as ur neighbors cant see or smell anything, i wouldnt worry about how often i utilize my property.


Active Member
4 weeks into flower? i would relax and let them finish. - how often do u honestly need to be out there? and it is your garage. As long as ur neighbors cant see or smell anything, i wouldnt worry about how often i utilize my property.
thanks again.i think i mit just put a gym set out there.and buy a big dog just incase.then il pack the tent up for abit.and do you think id need a intake fan in my tent which is 1.2m by 1.2m by 2.0m i have a 6inch out take which is hooked up to my cb/filter and im running a fan to move air around in tent.and this looks like a wall to me:wall:


Active Member
haha you said boot

its a trunk!:wall:

you might want to try a novel approach, tho... like acting normal.
nothing stands out more than someone that is trying to hide something. if it was me, i would go about my business like normal, like nothing was going on... it might be the fact that your obviously trying to hide something that draws your neighbors attention.
hey its a boot in the UK!

i agree though dude, just act normal, drive you car in your garage, take care of you plants...you shouldn't need to check on them more than once/twice a day if you got things under control.

where i live i couldnt care less...the neighbors all suck, bunch of idiots...fuck em...i frequently play loud music on outdoor speakers, shoot my ak47, 12ga, 9mm, 357mag like i got an outdoor shooting range on my property...after the first 3 times the sheriff came by they never bother coming out again after that...lol...i love it here!


Active Member
Honestly your neighbor is the one whos in the wrong for invading your privacy and id be sure to keep that in mind if shit goes downhill.. he has no right to be watching you while youre on your property (especially if its in a backyard or fairly hidden area..) thats an invasion of privacy and illegal for him to be doin!.. at least in the states it is..


Well-Known Member
Act like an American, stare her in the face and say "WTF you looking at b!tch! Got a problem?" let's her know you know she's looking and you don't appreciate it.


Well-Known Member
What makes you think you are being watched? Has the neighbor actually said anything to you about it? Have you caught the neighbor looking around your garage, or something?
If the answer to these is "no", then it sounds like your basic garden-variety paranoia. Being paranoid a bit is a good thing if you are growing illegally, but it's easy to take it too far. If you do that then you've taken the fun out of growing. Now on the other hand, if they HAVE said something, perhaps that whole shallow grave thing must be reconsidered, lol.


Well-Known Member
i know how it feels, back at my old place when i was growing my next door neighbor is a cop. lives in a 2 story house so he can see everything i do in my backyard and my grow room is seperate from the house so i have to go thru the backyard everytime i check the plants. imagine how paranoid i was, should of stop before i got caught but thats a different story. im going to start fresh soon, new year, new city, new apt and this time legally!


Active Member
After reading all your post im gunna stop acting paranoid and just hope for the best and maybe act kool and start making home brew beer in the shed and swing some his way.appreciate all your responces and best of luck with ur grows or ur freinds grows as they say...:-P i think paranoia gets to the best of ua sometimes Happy Growing


take a large stack of porn magazines and some wet wipes and act obviously suspicious, go in and start making moaning noises and slapping the side of the garage and then go back out breathing heavily and pulling ur zip up.
THAT is a great idea.

AND paranoia is your friend 90% of the time. just evaluate it's basis in reality every so often.


Active Member
Hi all its been a couple of days now and neighbour is still eyeing me off.what can i say but fuckin giggs.and after the other night he did it i could,nt help myself i told him to keep his fucking eyes over his side of the fence ya fucking pedophile and keep ur eyes of my kids.think that stuned him and put him rite off my grow op in the shed.but paranoia got the best of me and i know have move it into to house.that should stop the snooping pricks.thanks to everyone that replyed...