fucking worm shit


Hey i have 4 plants left to harvest and they are outside. While taking out all the leaves off i noticed there were loads of fucking brown caterpillers, anyways i put them all in a bowl after 1 hours of searching and cut them all in half and flushed them but now i noticed there were parts of the plants with small black dots (shits?)
Anyways i was wondering if i could leave them or shall i spray them all with a powerful hose (might fuck up the bud?) or what shall i do?
Thanks in advace( will be harvesting this afternoon as i cannot be fucked to get back from school tomorow only to find more shitbags)


Well-Known Member
There's a sticky on the budworm issue at the top of this forum. Get some BT for next year. I would not blast them with a hose. That will do little but knock the trichs off. Just harvest and salvage what you can.


I'm dealing with the same issue but I dont think I have as bad a case as you. I just am very careful when trimming and try to get all the shit out of the nugs. For me its only a few branches that got it bad so its not a big deal. Its a huge pain though.


Well-Known Member
gotta tell you had a buddy who smoked the budworm crap thinking it was some hash I had left out... he says he got a buzz...
bud worm shit looks like little black (or brown) dots and you will notice like a shit load (literally ) on buds they have been feasting on..


Active Member
Its not gonna be dots stuck to leaves for budworms...your gonna see black/brown nuggets all on your nugs and some bud material will be dead

I didnt spray anything this season except some spinosad twice but i did check my plants daily... i found more eggs than budworms (only 2 live worms to about 25-30 offwhite eggs) and just plucked em off with a mj stem...if i didnt i have no doubt i would of lost 1/3 of my crop once they hatched...i found em everywhere but i was diligent (with the eggs that is) but i almost threw up a few times...